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45 minutes Science Paper 1 Stage 8 Name ……………………………………………\ …….………………………. Additional materials: Ruler READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper. You should show all your working on the question paper. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question\ or part question. The total number of marks for this paper is 50. V1 For Teacher's Use Page Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 2 For Teacher's Use 1 The elements in the periodic table have different chemical symbols. Draw lines to connect the element to its chemical symbol. element chemical symbol aluminium K argon Ca potassium C calcium Ar carbon Al [3]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 3 For Teacher's Use 2 Sound waves can be seen on an oscilloscope trace. wave D time wave Atime wave B time wave C time (a) Which wave has the highest pitch? [1] (b) (i) Which wave is the loudest? [1] (ii) Which property of the wave makes it the loudest? Underline the answer from the list. low amplitude high amplitude low frequency high frequency [1]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 4 For Teacher's Use 3 Akio eats some peanuts. (a) He looks at the back of this peanut packet. It shows some of the nutrients found in 100 g of peanuts. (i) These two nutrients do not add up to 100 g. Name one other nutrient group found in peanuts. [1] (ii) Peanuts are a good source of protein. What is the main use of protein in the body? [1] (iii) Protein is a large complex molecule. It must be broken down into simpler chemicals. Where in the body is protein broken down? [1] 100 g of peanuts contains protein 24.8 g fat 50.2 g

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 5 For Teacher's Use (b) Akio looks at the other information on the packet. 100 g of peanuts contains percentage of GDA energy 2375 kJ 29% protein 24.8 g 46% fat 50.2 g 167% iron 1.0 mg 12% The GDA is the Guideline Daily Amount. (i) Akio must be careful about the amount of peanuts he eats each day. Give two reasons why. 1 2 [2] (ii) Iron is essential for human health. Name one other food rich in iron. [1] (iii) What is the main effect of iron deficiency? [1]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 6 For Teacher's Use 4 White light can be split into the visible spectrum. (a) What word describes the splitting of white light into different colours?\ Underline the answer from the list. absorption dispersion reflection refraction subtraction [1] visible spectrum red light white light violet light

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 7 For Teacher's Use (b) The white light is split into colours. Put the colours in the correct order as they appear in the visible spect\ rum. The first three have been done for you. colour order orange 2 green red 1 yellow 3 blue violet indigo [2] (c) In the diagram, a prism is used to split the white light into different \ colours. Name something else that can split white light. [1]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 8 For Teacher's Use 5 Janya measures the speed of her dog running. (a) (i) Her dog runs 100 m in 20 seconds. What is the average speed of the dog? Average speed is units [2] (ii) Why is it the average speed and not just the speed? [1]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 9 For Teacher's Use (b) Janya draws three distance/time graphs of her dog running. For each graph describe the motion of the dog. Choose from: A The dog is running at a constant speed. B The dog is slowing down. C The dog is speeding up. D The dog is not moving. (i) [1] (ii) [1] (iii) [1] distance time Choose from A, B , C or D ……. distance time distance time Choose from A, B , C or D ……. Choose from A, B , C or D …….

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 10 For Teacher's Use 6 Amrit investigates the enzyme amylase. She already knows these facts. (a) She uses this apparatus. pH11 alkali pH9 alkali pH7 water pH5 acid pH3 acid starch solution amylase solution stopwatch measuring cylinder iodine (i) At which pH do you predict the enzyme amylase will work best? [1] The enzyme amylase breaks down starch in the mouth. The pH in the mouth is 7. Iodine solution is very dark blue when there is starch. Iodine solution is yellow when there is no starch.

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 11 For Teacher's Use (ii) Amrit wants to check her prediction by doing an investigation. Some variables need to be kept the same and some need to be changed. Tick ( ) the variables she needs to keep the same. variable volume of starch added pH of the solution temperature of the solution volume of amylase added [1] (iii) Amrit wants to control risks when carrying out this investigation. Suggest one way she could make sure she is safe. [1] (b) Amrit writes her results in a table. pH result 3 stays dark blue 5 changes from dark blue to yellow very slowly 7 changes from dark blue to yellow very quickly 9 changes from dark blue to yellow very slowly 11 stays dark blue (i) What conclusions can you draw from Amrit’s results? [2] (ii) Suggest two different ways to improve Amrit’s investigation. 1 2 [2]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 12 For Teacher's Use 7 Complete the word equations. (a) + sodium  sodium chloride [1] (b) + oxygen  magnesium oxide [1] (c) iron + sulfur  [1]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 13 For Teacher's Use 8 Francesco makes shapes with his hands. He shines a light behind them. This makes a shadow on a screen. Francesco wants to change the size of the shadow. (a) (i) One way he could change the size of the shadow is to use someone with smaller hands. Predict what happens to the size of the shadow. [1] (ii) Suggest two other ways he could change the size of the shadow. 1 2 [2] (b) Francesco wants to measure the size of the different shadows formed. What measurements should he make and what apparatus should he use? Measurement Apparatus [1] hand torch shadow on screen

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 14 For Teacher's Use 9 Rusting is an example of a chemical reaction that is not useful. (a) Mia investigates the conditions needed for iron nails to rust. She uses this equipment. C dry air calcium chloride B no air oil boiled water A water and air waterair (i) In which boiling tube will the nail go rusty? [1] (ii) Complete the equation to describe this reaction. Choose words from the list. aluminium carbon dioxide iron oxygen water …………....… + ………..…..….. + …\ …….……….. rust [2] (b) Describe two things Mia could do to iron to stop it from rusting. 1 2 [2]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 15 For Teacher's Use 10 Zoran has an unknown element. He wants to know if it is a metal or a non-metal. Zoran writes down his results. (a) Do you think this element is a metal or a non-metal? Which one piece of evidence in Zoran’s results made you decide this? [1] (b) Describe two other differences between metals and non-metals. 1 2 [2] When I heated one end of the element, the other end got hot very quickly. The element did not dissolve in water. The element is an orange colour.

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 16 For Teacher's Use 11 The growth rates of babies are checked regularly using growth charts. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 age / months height / cm (a) This growth chart measures the height of a healthy baby boy. What other measurement of the baby boy could be used to draw a growth ch\ art? [1] (b) Why is it important that doctors use growth charts? [1] (c) A baby boy was 55 cm at birth. He has a poor diet and is malnourished (is not fed enough). Draw a line on the growth chart to show the growth of this baby boy. [1]

© UCLES 2011 P110/01/A/M/11 [Turn over 17 For Teacher's Use 12 Chemicals can be elements or compounds. Tick ( ) the box to show which chemicals are elements and which chemicals are \ compounds. The first one has been done for you. chemical (formulae) element compound water (H 2O)  carbon dioxide (CO 2) hydrogen (H 2) helium (He) magnesium (Mg) [2]

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