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English reading test mark schemes Reading answer booklet 2022 national curriculum tests Key stage 2

Page 2 of 32 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Structure of the test 3 3. Content domain coverage 4 4. Explanation of the mark schemes 6 5. Mark schemes for the English reading test 8 Section 1: The Parsnips 8 Section 2: My Circus Life 15 Section 3: A Traveller in Time 21 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 3 of 32 1. Introduction The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is responsible for the development and delivery of statutory tests and assessments. STA is an executive agency of the Department for Education. The 2022 tests assess the national curriculum. This test has been develo\ ped to meet the specication set out in the test framework 1 for English reading at key stage 2. It assesses the aspects of comprehension that lend themselves to a paper test. A new test and new mark schemes will be produced each year. Key stage 2 tests are marked by external markers, who receive training to ensure the mark schemes are applied consistently and fairly. The mark schemes are provided to show teachers how the tests are marked. The pupil examples are based on responses gathered from the test trialling process. Scaled score conversion tables are not included in this document. Conversion tables will be produced as part of the standards maintenance process. Scaled score conversion tables 2 for the 2022 tests will be published in July 2022. The standards conrmation meeting will take place in June 2022. 2. Structure of the test The key stage 2 English reading test comprises: • a reading booklet containing three texts that increase in demand throughout the booklet • a reading answer booklet containing questions (50 marks) 1 2 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 4 of 32 3. Content domain coverage The 2022 test meets the specication set out in the test framework. T\ able 1 sets out the areas of the content domain that are assessed in the test. Table 1: Content domain coverage for the 2022 key stage 2 English reading test 2a2b 2c2d 2e 2f2g 2h Give or explain the meaning of words in context. Retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction.Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph. Make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text. Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Identify and / or explain how information or narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.Identify and / or explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases. Make comparisons within the text. Qu. Section 1: The Parsnips 11 2 1 3a 1 3b 1 4 1 5 1 6a 1 6b 2 7 2 8 2 9 1 10 1 11 1 Qu. Section 2: My Circus Life 121 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 17 2 18 1 19 1 20 1 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 5 of 32 2a2b 2c2d 2e 2f2g 2h Give or explain the meaning of words in context. Retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction.Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph. Make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text. Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Identify and / or explain how information or narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.Identify and / or explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases. Make comparisons within the text. 21 2 22 2 23 1 Qu. Section 3: A Traveller in Time 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 2 30a 1 30b 1 31 1 32a 1 32b 1 33 3 34 1 35 3 Total 519 222 11 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 6 of 32 4. Explanation of the mark schemes The number of marks available for each question is given at the side of \ the page in the reading answer booklet. Incorrect or unacceptable answers are given a mark of 0. No half marks are awarded. The mark scheme for each question contains acceptable points, which are indicated either by a numbered list or a square bullet point (if there is only one possible answer). These must be treated as marking principles, not the exact response a pupil needs to give. They also contain examples of some frequently occurring correct answers given by pupils in the trials. These are shown in italics and are introduced by round bullet points. Many pupils will, however, have different ways of wording an acceptable answer. In assessing each answer, markers focus on the content of what has been written and not on the qua\ lity of the writing, expression or grammatical construction. For ‘nd and copy’ questions, the correct answer is indicated by the word(s) outside the brackets. The word(s) inside the brackets indicate the maximum quotation that is allowe\ d. Copying must be accurate but minor copying errors or introductions such as ‘The answer is…’ or ‘It’s…’ will be permitted. The mark schemes may also indicate commonly occurring but incorrect answers that should not be accepted. Recording marks awarded Pupils’ test papers are scanned so that marking can be conducted on screen by trained markers. For each question, markers record the award of 3, 2, 1 or 0 marks as appropriate, according to the mark scheme criteria. There is provision in the software to record questions not attempted. The software aggregates marks automatically. 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 7 of 32 The diagram below exemplies the content of the mark schemes: Qu.Requirement Mark 33 Think about the whole text. What impressions do you get of Penelope as she describes her unusual experience? Give two impressions, using evidence from the text to support your answer. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Acceptable points: 1. curious 2. imaginative 3. confused 4. unafraid 5. solitary / content with her own company 6. observant Award 3 marks for two acceptable points, at least one with evidence, e.g. • 1. She has a big imagination because she thinks that she is in a forest when she is sitting in the stairway. [AP2 + evidence] 2. That she is good at noticing things that go on. [AP6] • 1. I think she is just a curious girl who wants to know everything that is going on. [AP1] 2. She is ver y confused. ‘I never felt them touch me and this gave me a curious sensation.’ [AP3 + evidence] Award 2 marks for either two acceptable points, or one acceptable point with evidence, e.g. • 1. Brave because she did the right thing in the situation. [AP4] 2. She was a person who denitely kept herself to herself. [AP5] • 1. She is not afraid. ‘Ran downstairs and pushed open the door... expecting to see her.’ [AP4 + evidence] Award 1 mark for one acceptable point, e.g. • 1. She likes to nd out about other people. [AP1] Up to 3m Content domain reference:Aspect of reading assessed by this question Acceptable points (APs): These are to be treated as marking principles and should guide marking. Pupils do not have to use the exact wording. Criteria for the award of marks Examples of responses produced in the trials and awarded 3 marks Examples of responses produced in the trials and awarded 2 marks Examples of responses produced in the trials and awarded 1 mark 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 8 of 32 5. Mark schemes for the English reading test Section 1: The Parsnips Qu.Requirement Mark 1 Veronika’s football team has two names. What are the two names? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to Parrs Under 11s and The Parsnips, e.g. • The Parsnips • Parsnips • Parrs under 11s • Parrs. 1m 2 What effect did the knock on the door have on Veronika and her family? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. they were startled / surprised, e.g. • it startled them all • it gave them a shock • made them jump. 2. they were interrupted / disturbed, e.g. • it stopped their conversation. Do not accept reference to them being excited. 1m 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 9 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 3(a) Who knocked on the door? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to Megan / the team captain, e.g. • Megan Fawcett • Megan her captain • the captain. 1m 3(b) How can you tell this person was in a good mood? Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. her smiling, e.g. • Megan beamed at Veronika • she was smiling. 2. the excitement in her facial expression, e.g. • she had her face lit up • her face shiny and excited. 3. her playfulness / the enthusiasm in her voice, e.g. • because she spoke joyfully and was very excited • because she made a joke. 1m 4 The Parsnips were going to a tournament. Where was it being held? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to Sherburn Sands, e.g. • Sherburn Sands • Sherburn. 1m Section 1: The Parsnips 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 10 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 5 Look at page 6. “I just have to…” Veronika stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence. What was she going to say? I just have to________________________________ Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to Veronika fetching / packing what she needs, e.g. • pack my stuff for the tournament • get my toothbrush and my kit • get my stuff. 1m Section 1: The Parsnips 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 11 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 6(a) Find and copy one word which shows that Yuri was not very careful when he put Veronika’s bag down. Content domain: 2a – give or explain the meaning of words in context Award 1 mark for: ■ dumped. 1m 6(b) How can you tell that Veronika did not trust Yuri to pack her bag properly? Give two ways. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following, up to a maximum of 2 marks: 1. Veronika thinking it was a trick / Yuri sometimes tricks Veronika, e.g. • because he could be tricking her • he might have played a prank on her • he has played tricks on her before • he plays tricks. 2. Veronika questioning him (to check everything she needs is there), e.g. • she kept on asking if everything was in the bag • she said to him ‘you’re sure?’ 3. Veronika’s surprise at Yuri’s helpfulness / Yuri’s helpfulness being unusual, e.g. • she could not believe her brother was being helpful • she thought ‘What was this? My brother being helpful!’ • her brother never usually is helpful • he did not usually do anything like that. 4. Veronika frowning, e.g. • Veronika frowned at him when he put it down • she frowned at him. 5. Veronika’s anxiety, e.g. • she talked anxiously • she was very worried. Up to 2m Section 1: The Parsnips 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 12 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 7 Look at the paragraph beginning: “I believe you…” (page 6). How can you tell that Veronika was feeling excited? Give two ways. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following, up to a maximum of 2 marks: 1. Veronika rushing / moving quickly, e.g. • she was dashing and darting all round the house • she was being very quick • Veronika gave him a quick kiss. 2. Veronika’s heart beating fast, e.g. • her heart began to race. 3. “(World Cup tournament) here I come!”, e.g. • she said, ‘here I come!’ • World cup, here I come. 4. Veronika’s disbelief / realisation that the moment has arrived, e.g. • she couldn’t believe it was actually happening • it was actually happening. Up to 2m 8 My heart began beating fast (page 6). Find and copy two other words from the same paragraph which mean that something is quick. Content domain: 2a – give or explain the meaning of words in context Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following, up to a maximum of 2 marks: 1. (a) swift or swift (kiss) 2. (I) dashed or dashed (into) 3. (then) darted or darted (back). Up to 2m Section 1: The Parsnips 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 13 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 9 Draw three lines to match each character to the most suitable description. One has been done for you. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for all correctly matched: Yuri humorous Veronika disorganised Uncle cheerful Megan wise 1m 10 Why has the information on page 4 been included? Tick one. Content domain: 2f – identify and / or explain how information or narrative content \ is related and contributes to meaning as a whole Award 1 mark for: so that their fans learn which league the team plays in so that the coach knows who is playing on the team so that readers have background information about the story ✓ so that readers can pick their favourite character 1m Section 1: The Parsnips 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 14 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 11 Number the following events 1 – 5 to show the order in which they happened. The last one has been done for you. Content domain: 2c – summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph Award 1 mark for the correct sequence: Veronika waved to her family. 5 Yuri handed Veronika her kit bag. 3 Veronika met So. 1 Veronika walked out to the bus. 4 Veronika helped Uncle up the steps. 2 1m Section 1: The Parsnips 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 15 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 12 When Vladik was still a child, he was so skilled that he was allowed to…\ Tick one. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for: perform at the circus. ✓ go to Monte Carlo. give his parents advice. join the cast of Dralion. 1m 13 What two skills did Vladik show a natural talent for as a child? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to both of the following: 1. juggling, e.g. • juggling skills. 2. acrobatics, e.g. • natural acrobatics. Do not accept reference to dance. 1m 14 Name two cities where Vladik has performed. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to both of the following: 1. Paris 2. Monte Carlo. Also accept Moscow. 1m Section 2: My Circus Life 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 16 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 15 Underline one word in the quotation below that suggests that Vladik’s performances are carefully rehearsed. Combining a seamless mix of acrobatics, dance and juggling, the star has\ performed with a range of companies... Content domain: 2a – give or explain the meaning of words in context Award 1 mark for: ■ seamless. 1m 16 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question: What will most appeal to kids about this show? How does the text suggest that it is very active on the stage? Give two ways. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to any two of the following: 1. there is always something going on 2. there is a lot of movement 3. there are a lot of acrobatics / acrobats. 1m Section 2: My Circus Life 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 17 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 17 Look at page 9. Vladik is always changing his Dralion performance. Give two ways that these changes to his performance happen. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following, up to a maximum of 2 marks: 1. Vladik’s performance changing naturally / without him knowing how it happens, e.g. • changes happen naturally • he just does the changes and he doesn’t even realise. 2. Vladik deliberately making changes to his performance, e.g. • he modies them on purpose • they happen deliberately. 3. Vladik adding a trick, e.g. • putting in a new trick. Up to 2m 18 Look at page 9. According to the text, what makes it difcult for Vladik to do a new trick on stage? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. the new trick has to be perfect / there is more pressure to get it right, e.g. • it makes it hard because everything needs to be perfect • because on stage he has to perfect it • you have to get it exactly right. 2. changing tricks feels wrong / is uncomfortable, e.g. • you feel your body is doing something wrong. 3. his previous / usual routine is automatic, e.g. • he’s really used to his old routine so adding a new trick is hard to remember • you get used to doing the same thing for so long. 1m Section 2: My Circus Life 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 18 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 19 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question beginning: How does your daughter react… When Vladik says they, who is he referring to? Tick one. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for: his daughter his other children circus performers children in general ✓ 1m 20 Look at page 9. What does Vladik say that he and his daughter have in common? Tick one. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for: They are brilliant jugglers. They love to watch circus performances. ✓ They are natural performers. They like to run around instead of sitting still. 1m Section 2: My Circus Life 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 19 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 21 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question: Are there any particular lessons your father taught you that you still use today? How do you know that Vladik’s father was a big inuence on him? Give two ways. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following, up to a maximum of 2 marks: 1. Vladik’s father taught him everything, e.g. • he taught him everything • because everything he knows came from him. 2. Vladik’s father took him to dance classes / helped him improve as a performer, e.g. • he took him to dance classes • take acting and dance classes it helps you become a better performer • he helped him to be a better performer. 3. Vladik uses everything his father taught him, e.g. • he uses all of the moves he was taught • he still uses what he was taught. 4. Vladik followed his father’s advice / found his father’s advice useful, e.g. • because he took on board everything his father said. Up to 2m 22 Complete the table below with facts from the text. Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for three correct or 2 marks for all four correct: Age that Vladik is now: 28 How long Vladik has been doing this routine: 14 years Age his daughter started walking: (after) 10 months Age that Vladik started dance classes: 4Up to 2m Section 2: My Circus Life 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 20 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 23 Which of the following gives the best summary of the whole text? Tick one. Content domain: 2c – summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph Award 1 mark for: It tells children how to join the circus. It looks at an unusual career. ✓ It gives tips on how to juggle. It shows how much performers travel. 1m Section 2: My Circus Life 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 21 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 24 Look at the rst paragraph, beginning: Ours was a steep… Penelope’s description of the stairway makes it seem... Tick one. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for: damp and dark. cramped and unsafe. ✓ old and dusty. stylish and never used. 1m 25 Why did Penelope like sitting in the stairway? Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. Penelope pretending to sit in the forest / listen to the birds, e.g. • she imagined being in a forest • because she wanted to pretend she was in a forest. 2. the effect of the wallpaper on Penelope, e.g. • there was beautiful wallpaper on it and it felt like she was in a forest • it was like sitting in a forest listening to birds sing. Also accept reference to Penelope waiting for the arrival of the lamplighter / the gleam \ of light, e.g. • so she can wait for the lamplighter to bring gleam to the stairway • because she liked the lamp turning on. 1m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 22 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 26 Look at the rst paragraph, beginning: Ours was a steep… Find and copy one word that shows that the evening was getting dark. Content domain: 2a – give or explain the meaning of words in context Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. dusk 2. gleam 3. lamplighter 4. shone. 1m 27 How did Penelope always know when the lamplighter was approaching? Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to whistling, e.g. • he whistled when he walked down the street • she heard him whistling • he was whistling. Do not accept reference to the light coming on / being lit, e.g. • there would be a gleam in the stairway. 1m 28 Look at the paragraph beginning: I was suddenly... What suggests that the lady had seen Penelope? Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. the lady smiled at Penelope, e.g. • when Penelope smiled she smiled back • she gave her a smile. 2. the lady bent towards Penelope, e.g. • she bent towards her. 3. the lady’s eyes seemed to pierce Penelope, e.g. • she stared at her. 1m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 23 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 29 Look at the top of page 11. Give three ways you can tell things have gone back to normal. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 2 marks for reference to any three of the following acceptable points. Award 1 mark for reference to any two of the following acceptable points. 1. the sound of the clock ticking, e.g. • the clock ticked loudly • she could hear the clock ticking again. 2. the sounds of the street, e.g. • hear the streets • the sound of the streets came to her ears. 3. the lamplighter’s arrival / the sound of the lamplighter’s whistle, e.g. • the lamplighter came • she heard the lamplighter’s whistle. 4. the lamp being turned on / the gleam of the gas lamp, e.g. • the lights came on • the gleam of the gas she could see. 5. the lady having gone, e.g. • the lady disappeared • she was gone. Also accept general reference to sounds returning, e.g. • everything was loud again • noise came back. Up to 2m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 24 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 30(a) Choose the best group of words to t the sentences. Draw a circle around your choice. When Penelope saw the lady, she described… Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for: why the lady was there. what she could see and smell. who the lady was. what she could touch and taste. 1m 30(b) As soon as the lady went away, Penelope… Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for: felt frightened. looked for her mother. felt relieved. looked for the lady. 1m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 25 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 31 ...I went thoughtfully down to the basement where my mother was cooking… What might Penelope have been thinking at this point in the story? Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. she wondered about the strangeness of the lady, e.g. • I wonder who she is and where she came from • who was that woman in the stairway? • she might be confused because the lady is nowhere to be seen • why couldn’t I feel her dress rustling against my feet and legs? 2. she wondered if her mother knows about / had seen the lady, e.g. • she might be thinking if her mother knew who she was • mum might know that woman • she wanted to ask her if she saw the lady. 3. she wondered about time seeming to have stopped / the absence of sound, e.g. • it was like time was frozen. Do not accept reference to Penelope wondering if she had imagined the lady. 1m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 26 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 32(a) What was Penelope’s mother’s explanation for what Penelope had seen? Content domain: 2b – retrieve and record information or identify key details from ction and non-ction Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. Penelope had imagined it, e.g. • that it was just her imagination • she was seeing things. 2. Penelope had seen a shadow of someone in the street, e.g. • a shadow of someone or something. 3. the ickering lights and / or dusk had played tricks on her eyes, e.g\ . • that it was just the ickering street lamps on the wall. Do not accept reference to her saying there was no one there / nothing there. 1m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 27 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 32(b) Why might Penelope have been frustrated by her mother’s explanation? Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Award 1 mark for reference to any of the following: 1. Penelope knew what she had seen, e.g. • she had clearly seen the lady • she was certain about what she’d seen • because she was positive she had seen it. 2. her mother’s disbelief in her daughter’s account, e.g. • her mother doesn’t believe what she is saying. 3. Penelope thinking her mother was not telling the truth / was trying to h\ ide something, e.g. • she knew she was lying • it was because her mother was keeping a secret. 4. her mother trying to change the subject, e.g. • she randomly changed the conversation. 5. Penelope’s questions had not been answered, e.g. • because she wanted to nd out more • it didn’t explain everything. 1m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 28 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 33 Think about the whole text. What impressions do you get of Penelope as she describes her unusual experience? Give two impressions, using evidence from the text to support your answer. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Acceptable points: 1. curious 2. imaginative 3. confused 4. unafraid 5. solitary / content with her own company 6. observant Award 3 marks for two acceptable points, at least one with evidence, e.g. • 1. She has a big imagination because she thinks that she is in a forest when she is sitting in the stairway. [AP2 + evidence] 2. That she is good at noticing things that go on. [AP6] • 1. I think she is just a curious girl who wants to know everything that is going on. [AP1] 2. She is ver y confused. ‘I never felt them touch me and this gave me a curious sensation.’ [AP3 + evidence] Award 2 marks for either two acceptable points, or one acceptable point with evidence, e.g. • 1. Brave because she did the right thing in the situation. [AP4] 2. She was a person who denitely kept herself to herself. [AP5] • 1. She is not afraid. ‘Ran downstairs and pushed open the door... expecting to see her.’ [AP4 + evidence] Award 1 mark for one acceptable point, e.g. • 1. She likes to nd out about other people. [AP1] Up to 3m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 29 of 32 Section 3: A Traveller in Time Qu.Requirement Mark 34 The extract you have read is the beginning of a longer story. Which of these is most likely to happen next? Tick one. Content domain: 2e – predict what might happen from details stated and implied Award 1 mark for the following: Penelope will forget all about the lady. Penelope’s mother will ask lots of questions about the lady. Penelope will try to nd out about the lady. ✓ Penelope and her mother will search the house for the lady. 1m 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

Page 30 of 32 Qu.Requirement Mark 35 Think about the whole text. How is a mysterious atmosphere created? Give two ways, using evidence from the text to support your answer. Content domain: 2d – make inferences from the text or explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Acceptable points: 1. time or movement stops / absence of sound 2. the lady’s unexpected appearance / her disappearance 3. her mother’s unusual / evasive reaction to Penelope’s questions 4. sudden return to normality 5. the lady being a stranger to Penelope 6. Penelope being on her own when she sees the lady 7. the lady’s unusual clothes / her effect on Penelope 8. the lady’s strange or unearthly features Award 3 marks for two acceptable points, at least one with evidence, e.g. • 1. Every single sound goes away even her footsteps. [AP1 + evidence] 2. It’s like her mum tries to cover up the situation. [AP3] • 1. It’s also mysterious because suddenly everything is back to normal. [AP4] 2. The lady disappear ed. ‘I leaned over the rail to watch her but suddenly she was gone.’ [AP2 + evidence] Award 2 marks for either two acceptable points, or one acceptable point with evidence, e.g. • 1. First, the lady because she appears out of nowhere without Penelope knowing. [AP2] 2. At the start there was no noise when there is usually something to hear. [AP1] • 1. She was the only one in the area. ‘I might have been the only person in the world.’ [AP6 + evidence] Award 1 mark for one acceptable point, e.g. • 1. The girl didn’t know who the lady was or what she was doing there. [AP5] Do not accept reference to it being night-time / dark. Up to 3m Section 3: A Traveller in Time 2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes

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2022 key stage 2 English reading test mark schemes Reading answer booklet Print PDF version product code: STA/22/8412/p ISBN: 978-1-78957-261-2 Electronic PDF version product code: STA/22/8412/e ISBN: 978-1-78957-281-0 For more copies Additional copies of this book are not available during the test window. They can be downloaded afterwards from © Crown copyright 2022 Re-use of Crown copyright in test materials Subject to the exceptions listed below, the test materials on this website are Crown copyright and you may re-use them (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 which can be found on the National Archives website and accessed via the following link: When you use this information under the Open Government Licence v3.0, you should include the following attribution: ‘Co\ ntains material developed by the Standards and Testing Agency for 2022 national curriculum assessments and licensed under Open Government Licence v3.0’ and where possible provide a link to the licence. Exceptions – third-party copyright content in test materials You must obtain permission from the relevant copyright owners, as listed in the ‘2022 key stage 2 tests copyright report’, for re-use of any third-party copyright content which we have identied in the test materia\ ls, as listed below. Alternatively, you should remove the unlicensed third-party copyright content and/or replace it with appropriately licensed material. Third-party content The Parsnips: Taken from Girls F.C. 6: What’s Ukrainian for Football?, Walker Books Ltd, 2009. Author: Helena Pielichaty. My Circus Life: Adapted from an article in Timeout Magazine Chicago, 2012 by Kari Kamin. A Traveller in Time: Taken from A Traveller in Time, Jane Nissen Books, 2007. Author: Alison Uttley. If you have any queries regarding these test materials, contact the national curriculum assessments h\ elpline on 0300 303 3013 or email