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Page 3 of 20 K00050A0320 Questions and answers You have one hour to complete this test, answering the questions in the a\ nswer booklet. Read one text and answer the questions about that text before moving on to read the next text. There are three texts and three sets of questions. In this booklet, there are different types of question for you to answer in different ways. The space for your answer shows you what type of answer is needed.\ Write your answer in the space provided. Do not write over any barcodes. Short answers Some questions are followed by a short line or box. This shows that you only need to write a word or a few words in your answer. Several line answers Some questions are followed by a few lines. This gives you space to write more words or a sentence or two. Longer answers Some questions are followed by more answer lines. This shows that a longer, more detailed answer is needed. You can write in full sentences if you want to. Selected answers For some questions you do not need to write anything at all and you shou\ ld tick, draw lines to or circle your answer. Read the instructions carefully so that you know how to answer the question. Marks The number under each line at the side of the page tells you the number \ of marks available for each question. As this is a reading test, you must use the information in the texts to help you to answer the questions. When a question includes a page reference, you should refer to the text on that page to help you with your answer. You have one hour to read the texts in the reading booklet and answer the questions in this booklet. Instructions

Page 4 of 20 Questions 1 – 1 1 are about The Parsnips (pages 4 – 6) Veronika’s football team has two names. What are the two names? 1. 2. 1 1 mark R025867 – 1 May 2019 1:23 PM – Version 3 KS2 item template version 1.1 What effect did the knock on the door have on Veronika and her family? 2 1 mark R026338 – 1 May 2019 1:27 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 (a) Who knocked on the door? (b) How can you tell this person was in a good mood? 3 1 mark 1 mark R025874 – 1 May 2019 1:31 PM – Version 3 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A0420

Page 5 of 20 Veronika’s football team has two names. What are the two names? 1. 2. 1 1 mark R025867 – 1 May 2019 1:23 PM – Version 3 KS2 item template version 1.1 The Parsnips were going to a tournament. Where was it being held? 4 1 mark R025892 – 24 July 2019 2:10 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at page 6. “I just have to...” Veronika stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence. What was she going to say? I just have to 5 1 mark R025878 – 12 August 2019 11:55 AM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 (a) Who knocked on the door? (b) How can you tell this person was in a good mood? 3 1 mark 1 mark R025874 – 1 May 2019 1:31 PM – Version 3 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A0520

Page 6 of 20 (a) Find and copy one word which shows that Yuri was not very careful when he put Veronika’s bag down. (b) How can you tell that Veronika did not trust Yuri to pack her bag properly? Give two ways. 1. 2. 6 1 mark 2 marks R025879 – 1 May 2019 1:51 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at the paragraph beginning: “I believe you…” (page 6). How can you tell that Veronika was feeling excited? Give two ways. 1. 2. 7 2 marks R025882 – 1 May 2019 1:55 PM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A0620

Page 7 of 20 Draw three lines to match each character to the most suitable description. One has been done for you. Yuri humorous Veronika disorganised Uncle cheerful Megan wise 9 1 mark R026341 – 20 December 2019 4:53 PM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 My heart began beating fast (page 6). Find and copy two other words from the same paragraph which mean that something is quick. 1. 2. 8 2 marks R025881 – 1 May 2019 2:00 PM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A0720

Page 8 of 20 Number the following events 1 – 5 to show the order in which they happened. The last one has been done for you. Veronika waved to her family. 5 Yuri handed Veronika her kit bag. Veronika met Sofi. Veronika walked out to the bus. Veronika helped Uncle up the steps. 11 1 mark R025883 – 11 November 2019 11:26 AM – Version 3 KS2 item template version 1.1 Why has the information on page 4 been included? Tick one. so that their fans learn which league the team plays in so that the coach knows who is playing on the team so that readers have background information about the story so that readers can pick their favourite character 10 1 mark R025890 – 1 May 2019 2:12 PM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A0820

Page 9 of 20 Number the following events 1 – 5 to show the order in which they happened. The last one has been done for you. Veronika waved to her family. 5 Yuri handed Veronika her kit bag. Veronika met Sofi. Veronika walked out to the bus. Veronika helped Uncle up the steps. 11 1 mark R025883 – 11 November 2019 11:26 AM – Version 3 KS2 item template version 1.1 When Vladik was still a child, he was so skilled that he was allowed to…\ Tick one. perform at the circus. go to Monte Carlo. give his parents advice. join the cast of Dralion. 12 1 mark R025957 – 7 May 2019 11:09 AM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 What two skills did Vladik show a natural talent for as a child? 1. 2. 13 1 mark R025959 – 1 May 2019 3:48 PM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 Questions 12 – 2 3 are about My Circus Life (pages 8 – 9) Name two cities where Vladik has performed. 1. 2. 14 1 mark R025962 – 1 May 2019 3:51 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A0920

Page 10 of 20 Underline one word in the quotation below that suggests that Vladik’s performances are carefully rehearsed. Combining a seamless mix of acrobatics, dance and juggling, the star has performed with a range of companies... 15 1 mark R025961 – 1 May 2019 3:54 PM – Version 6 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at page 9. Vladik is always changing his Dralion performance. Give two ways that these changes to his performance happen. 1. 2. 17 2 marks R025967 – 1 May 2019 4:06 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question: What will most appeal to kids about this show? How does the text suggest that it is very active on the stage? Give two ways. 1. 2. 16 1 mark R026332 – 1 May 2019 4:01 PM – Version 1 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A01020

Page 11 of 20 Look at page 9. Vladik is always changing his Dralion performance. Give two ways that these changes to his performance happen. 1. 2. 17 2 marks R025967 – 1 May 2019 4:06 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at page 9. According to the text, what makes it difcult for Vladik to do a new trick on stage? 18 1 mark R025969 – 1 May 2019 4:16 PM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question beginning: How does your daughter react… When Vladik says they, who is he referring to? Tick one. his daughter his other children circus performers children in general 19 1 mark R025986 – 2 May 2019 8:28 AM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question: What will most appeal to kids about this show? How does the text suggest that it is very active on the stage? Give two ways. 1. 2. 16 1 mark R026332 – 1 May 2019 4:01 PM – Version 1 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A01120

Page 12 of 20 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question: Are there any particular lessons your father taught you that you still use today? How do you know that Vladik’s father was a big inuence on him? Give two ways. 1. 2. 21 2 marks R026333 – 2 May 2019 8:45 AM – Version 1 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at page 9. What does Vladik say that he and his daughter have in common? Tick one. They are brilliant jugglers. They love to watch circus performances. They are natural performers. They like to run around instead of sitting still. 20 1 mark R025972 – 2 May 2019 8:41 AM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A01220

Page 13 of 20 Which of the following gives the best summary of the whole text? Tick one. It tells children how to join the circus. It looks at an unusual career. It gives tips on how to juggle. It shows how much performers travel. 23 1 mark R025979 – 2 May 2019 8:57 AM – Version 6 KS2 item template version 1.1 Complete the table below with facts from the text. Age that Vladik is now: How long Vladik has been doing this routine: Age his daughter started walking: Age that Vladik started dance classes: 22 2 marks R026336 – 2 May 2019 8:54 AM – Version 4 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at Vladik’s answer to the question: Are there any particular lessons your father taught you that you still use today? How do you know that Vladik’s father was a big inuence on him? Give two ways. 1. 2. 21 2 marks R026333 – 2 May 2019 8:45 AM – Version 1 KS2 item template version 1.1 Look at page 9. What does Vladik say that he and his daughter have in common? Tick one. They are brilliant jugglers. They love to watch circus performances. They are natural performers. They like to run around instead of sitting still. 20 1 mark R025972 – 2 May 2019 8:41 AM – Version 2 KS2 item template version 1.1 K00050A01320

Page 14 of 20 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026937 – 2 May 2019 9:25 AM – Version 1 Look at the first paragraph, beginning: Ours was a steep… Find and copy one word that shows that the evening was getting dark. 26 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026938 – 2 May 2019 9:14 AM – Version 1 Why did Penelope like sitting in the stairway? 25 1 mark Questions 24 – 3 5 are about A Traveller in Time (pages 10 – 11) KS2 item template version 1.2 R026960 – 2 May 2019 9:02 AM – Version 1 Look at the first paragraph, beginning: Ours was a steep… Penelope’s description of the stairway makes it seem... Tick one. damp and dark. cramped and unsafe. old and dusty. stylish and never used. 24 1 mark K00050A01420

Page 15 of 20 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026958 – 2 May 2019 9:37 AM – Version 1 Look at the paragraph beginning: I was suddenly… What suggests that the lady had seen Penelope? 28 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026935 – 2 May 2019 9:30 AM – Version 1 How did Penelope always know when the lamplighter was approaching? 27 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026937 – 2 May 2019 9:25 AM – Version 1 Look at the first paragraph, beginning: Ours was a steep… Find and copy one word that shows that the evening was getting dark. 26 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026938 – 2 May 2019 9:14 AM – Version 1 Why did Penelope like sitting in the stairway? 25 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026960 – 2 May 2019 9:02 AM – Version 1 Look at the first paragraph, beginning: Ours was a steep… Penelope’s description of the stairway makes it seem... Tick one. damp and dark. cramped and unsafe. old and dusty. stylish and never used. 24 1 mark Look at the top of page 11. Give three ways you can tell things have gone back to normal. 1. 2. 3. 29 2 marks R028149 – 2 May 2019 9:48 AM – Version 1 KS2 item arithmetic template version 2.1 (2017) K00050A01520

Page 16 of 20 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026947 – 11 November 2019 11:31 am – Version 1 ...I went thoughtfully down to the basement where my mother was cooking… What might Penelope have been thinking at this point in the story? 31 1 mark Choose the best group of words to fit the sentences. Draw a circle around your choice. (a) When Penelope saw the lady, she described... why the lady was there. what she could see and smell. who the lady was. what she could touch and taste. (b) As soon as the lady went away, Penelope... felt frightened. looked for her mother. felt relieved. looked for the lady. 30 1 mark 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026952 – 2 May 2019 10:04 AM – Version 1 K00050A01620

Page 17 of 20 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026947 – 11 November 2019 11:31 am – Version 1 ...I went thoughtfully down to the basement where my mother was cooking… What might Penelope have been thinking at this point in the story? 31 1 mark Choose the best group of words to fit the sentences. Draw a circle around your choice. (a) When Penelope saw the lady, she described... why the lady was there. what she could see and smell. who the lady was. what she could touch and taste. (b) As soon as the lady went away, Penelope... felt frightened. looked for her mother. felt relieved. looked for the lady. 30 1 mark 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026952 – 2 May 2019 10:04 AM – Version 1 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026948 – 11 November 2019 1:51 pm – Version 1 (a) What was Penelope’s mother’s explanation for what Penelope had seen? (b) Why might Penelope have been frustrated by her mother?s explanation? 32 1 mark 1 mark Think about the whole text. What impressions do you get of Penelope as she describes her unusual experience? Give two impressions, using evidence from the text to support your answer. 1. 2. 33 3 marks R028242 – 2 May 2019 10:28 AM – Version 1 KS2 item arithmetic template version 2.1 (2017) K00050A01720

Page 18 of 20 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026956 – 2 May 2019 10:31 AM – Version 1 The extract you have read is the beginning of a longer story. Which of these is most likely to happen next? Tick one. Penelope will forget all about the lady. Penelope’s mother will ask lots of questions about the lady. Penelope will try to find out about the lady. Penelope and her mother will search the house for the lady. 34 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026943 – 12 August 2019 11:54 am – Version 1 Think about the whole text. How is a mysterious atmosphere created? Give two ways, using evidence from the text to support your answer. 1. 2. 35 3 marks K00050A01820

Page 19 of 20 KS2 item template version 1.2 R026956 – 2 May 2019 10:31 AM – Version 1 The extract you have read is the beginning of a longer story. Which of these is most likely to happen next? Tick one. Penelope will forget all about the lady. Penelope’s mother will ask lots of questions about the lady. Penelope will try to find out about the lady. Penelope and her mother will search the house for the lady. 34 1 mark KS2 item template version 1.2 R026943 – 12 August 2019 11:54 am – Version 1 Think about the whole text. How is a mysterious atmosphere created? Give two ways, using evidence from the text to support your answer. 1. 2. 35 3 marks K00050A01920 [END OF TEST] Please do not write on this page.

2022 key stage 2 English reading Reading answer booklet Print version product code: STA/22/8410/p ISBN: 978-1-78957-259-9 Electronic PDF version product code: STA/22/8410/e ISBN: 978-1-78957-279-7 For more copies Additional copies of this book are not available during the test window. They can be downloaded afterwards from © Crown copyright 2022 Re-use of Crown copyright in test materials Subject to the exceptions listed below, the test materials on this website are Crown copyright and you may re-use them (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 which can be found on the National Archives website and accessed via the following link: When you use this information under the Open Government Licence v3.0, you should include the following attribution: ‘Co\ ntains material developed by the Standards and Testing Agency for 2022 national curriculum assessments and licensed under Open Government Licence v3.0’ and where possible provide a link to the licence. Exceptions – third-party copyright content in test materials You must obtain permission from the relevant copyright owners, as listed in the ‘2022 key stage 2 tests copyright report’, for re-use of any third-party copyright content which we have identied in the test materia\ ls, as listed below. Alternatively, you should remove the unlicensed third-party copyright content and/or replace it with appropriately licensed material. Third-party content The Parsnips: Taken from Girls F.C. 6: What’s Ukrainian for Football?, Walker Books Ltd, 2009. Author: Helena Pielichaty. My Circus Life: Adapted from an article in Timeout Magazine Chicago, 2012 by Kari Kamin. A Traveller in Time: Taken from A Traveller in Time, Jane Nissen Books, 2007. Author: Alison Uttley. If you have any queries regarding these test materials, contact the national curriculum assessments h\ elpline on 0300 303 3013 or email K00050A02020