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English reading Paper 1: reading prompt and answer booklet First name Middle name Last name 2022 national curriculum tests Key stage 1 Total marks

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Page 3 of 24 Contents Lucky Duck P ages 5 – 1 3 The Vegetable Band P ages 15 – 23

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Page 5 of 24 Who gave the toy to Lenny\b? Tick one. a boy his dad his gran his m\bm a PRACTICE QUESTION KS1 item template version 2 R030185 – 25 November 2019 10:22 am – Version 1 What toy did Lenny\T get? b PRACTICE QUE\bTION KS1 item template version 2 R030186 – 23 September 2019 9:09 am – Version 1 Practice questions Lucky Duck When Lenny was a v\dery little boy, his dad bought him a really spe\bial toy du\bk. Du\bk was Lenny’s best toy and whatever Lenny did, Du\bk di\dd too.

Page 6 of 24 When they went to \mthe seaside to vis\mit Gran, Lenny made sure there was an extra buc\bet and spade for\m Duc\b. They paddled \m together and built \msandcastles. When it was time to\m go home, somewhere in the rush of pac\bi\mng, Duc\b got lost.

Page 7 of 24 Who lived at the seaside?\u Tick one. Dad    \b 1 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030203 – 23 September 2019 9:47 am – Version 1 Write two things Lenny took\2 to the seaside.   2 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030204 – 23 September 2019 9:50 am – Version 1 When they went to \mthe seaside to vis\mit Gran, Lenny made sure there was an extra buc\bet and spade for\m Duc\b. They paddled \m together and built \msandcastles. When it was time to\m go home, somewhere in the rush of pac\bi\mng, Duc\b got lost.

Page 8 of 24 They searched Gran’s house, upside do\wwn and inside out. \wThey even loo\bed all along the \wbeach but they could\wn’t find Duc\b anywhe\wre. Lenny tried hard to be brave, but he missed Du\wc\b very much. Even though he had other lovely toys, none of th\wem was the same as \wDuc\b. Time passed and Len\wny played with lots of different toys. He nearly forgot about \wthe little duc\b with the orange bea\b and bright button eyes. Nearly… but not quit\we.

Page 9 of 24 Put ticks in the t\dable to show which\d statements are true and which are false. True False They found \buck at t\dhe beach. Lenny missed \buck. \buck was the only t\doy Lenny had. 4 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030228 – 23 September 2019 9:55 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Write two places that the f\Damily looked for Du\Dck. 3 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030209 – 23 September 2019 9:53 am – Version 1

Page 10 of 24 Many years later, when Lenny was a\p grown-up, he had a li\pttle boy of his own\p, \balled Ja\bk. One summer, Lenny took Ja\bk to visit Gran. It was raining, and Ja\bk was very bored. Lenny said, “When I \pwas little, I alway\ps loved exploring. Why do\pn’t you see what you \ban find?” Ja\bk \brawled inside Gran’s wardrobes. He looked underneath a\pll the beds. Then h\pe found some little s\ptairs, and \blimbed a\pll the way up to the atti\b\p room...

Page 11 of 24 What was the weath\ger like when Jack went exploring?\g 5 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030213 – 23 September 2019 9:58 am – Version 1 Why did Jack go exploring? Tick one. becau\be Gran wa\b lo\bt  \b\    \b  \b 6 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030233 – 23 September 2019 10:07 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Draw three lines to match wh\.at Jack did to where he did it.          7 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030232 – 23 September 2019 10:26 am – Version 1

Page 12 of 24 When Jack came back down\t, he couldn’t stop smiling\b\t He was holding something\b He held it out to sho\tw Lenny\b It was DUCK! His orange beak was a littl\te bit dirty and his white fur \twas very dusty, but he was the\t same soft, cuddly Duck\b

Page 13 of 24 Who found Duck? 8 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030235 – 23 September 2019 10:28 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Look at the whole \nstory. Number the sentences\n below from 1 to 4 to show t\nhe or\ber they happen in the story\n. The first one has b\neen \bone for you. Lenny got a new toy.\n 1    \b \       \ \b 10 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030218 – 23 September 2019 10:32 am – Version 1 How can you tell D\fuck had been in th\fe attic for a long \ftime? \brite two ways.   9 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030201 – 23 September 2019 10:30 am – Version 1

Page 14 of 24 Please do not start answering the questions on the next text until you are told to do so. Please do not write on this page. All over the world, peop\ale do lots of different things with vegetables. Some \bhop them, some \asli\be them, some mash them, but m\aost of all, they like to eat th\aem. There is even a band that makes musi\a\b with them! The Vegetable Band\

Page 15 of 24 All over the world, peop\ale do lots of different things with vegetables. Some \bhop them, some \asli\be them, some mash them, but m\aost of all, they like to eat th\aem. There is even a band that makes musi\a\b with them! The Vegetable Band\ What does the band\ do with vegetables? c KS1 item template version 2 R030085 – 23 September 2019 10:36 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Put ticks in the t\dable to show which\d statements are true and which are false. True False Vegetables are used all over the world. \bveryone does the sam\de thing with vegetables. Some people like t\do mash vegetables. d KS1 item template version 2 R030448 – 25 November 2019 10:26 am – Version 1 Practice questions

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Page 17 of 24 Where is the vegetable band from? 11 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030087 – 23 September 2019 10:40 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL The people in the \cband wanted to mak\ce musical instrumen\cts out of vegetables because t\che\b… Tick one. liked the taste of\c different vegetables.  \         \b\   \        12 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030088 – 23 September 2019 10:42 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Around 20 years ago,\i a group of people in a \icountry called Austria wante\id to do somet\bing interesting wit\b vegetables. T\bey dec\iided to turn t\bem into mu\isical instruments and pla\iy t\bem in a band.

Page 18 of 24 Page 18 of 24 How many people ar\ e in the band? 13 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030090 – 23 September 2019 10:44 am – Version 1 People who come to\n watch are amazed \nby how interesting these unus\nual instruments look a\nnd how great they sound\b The word amazed tells you the peo\kple are... Tick one. surprised.      14 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030092 – 23 September 2019 10:46 am – Version 1 Today, the 11 peopl\re in the vegetable band perform all around the world\b They hold\r about 20 concerts every year\b People who come to \rwatch are amazed by how interesting these unusual\r instruments look an\rd how great they sound\b After a concert, everyone can try soup made from the leftovers\b

Page 19 of 24 What happens to th\ye leftover vegetables? They are... Tick one. given to other ban\bs. \b   \b   \   15 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030093 – 23 October 2019 9:02 am – Version 1

Page 20 of 24 Draw three lines to match ea\uch vegetable to the in\ustrument made from it. vegetableinstrument pump\bin violin lee\b horn pepper drum 17 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030095 – 25 November 2019 10:39 am – Version 1 Why does every concert sound different? 16 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030541 – 23 October 2019 9:06 am – Version 1 The people in the \uband make new instruments bef\uore each concert so every time they perform it sounds different\b Sometimes, they wil\ul create a pumpkin drum, oth\uer times a leek violin\b They \uhave even made a horn from a pepper\b a pumpkin drum a drum a pepper horn a horn

Page 21 of 24 How can you tell t\?hat the leek is ea\?sy to make into an instrument? Tick one. It was the first in\?strument the \band m\?ade. \b\b\  \  \b\   18 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030107 – 23 September 2019 10:54 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Some musical instr\guments can be made from vegetables very quickly, like t\be lee\gk violin. However, ot\ber vegetables are not as simple to make i\gnto instruments. Creating a carrot recorder can take up to 30 minut\ges. Instruments are not always made from w\bole vegetables. T\be band\g also makes music by\g rustling onion peel or cabbage lea\gves. The people in the \uband make new instruments bef\uore each concert so every time they perform it sounds different\b Sometimes, they wil\ul create a pumpkin drum, oth\uer times a leek violin\b They \uhave even made a horn from a pepper\b a pumpkin drum a drum a pepper horn a horn

Page 22 of 24 Make your own pepp\ er shaker You could try makin\bg a vegetable instrument\b of your own. \bhese instr\buctions tell you ho\bw. 1. Choose one pepper –\b it doesn’t matter \b what colour you use\b. 2. Ask an adult to cut \boff the top of the pepper using a knif\be. 3. Clear out the seeds\b from inside. 4. Add some uncooked ri\bce so that it rattles. 5. Pop the top back on\b. Otherwise, you might make a mess! 6. Shake it to make a\b sound.

Page 23 of 24 End of test Number these instr\auctions from 1 to 4 to show \ahow to make a pepper into a music\aal instrument. \bake the seeds out o\af the pepper.  \        \   \   \    19 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030102 – 23 October 2019 9:14 am – Version 1 NFER Item Development – CONFIDENTIAL Put ticks in the t\dable to show which\d statements are true and which are false. True False You should blow this\d instrument to make\d a sound. You should put the t\dop on the pepper before shakin\b it. You must use a \breen pepper to make this instr\dument. 20 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 R030895 – 23 October 2019 9:16 am – Version 1

2022 key stage 1 English reading Paper 1: reading prompt and answer booklet Print version product code: STA/22/8400/p ISBN: 978-1-78957-254-4 Electronic PDF version product code: STA/22/8400/e ISBN: 978-1-78957-269-8 For more copies Additional printed copies of this booklet are not available. It can be downloaded from during May 2022, or afterwards from © Crown copyright 2022 Re-use of Crown copyright in test materials Subject to the exceptions listed below, the test materials on this website are Crown copyright and you may re-use them (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 which can be found on the National Archives website and accessed via the following link: When you use this information under the Open Government Licence v3.0, you should include the following attribution: ‘Co\ ntains material developed by the Standards and Testing Agency for 2022 national curriculum assessments and licensed under Open Government Licence v3.0’ and where possible provide a link to the licence. Exceptions – third-party copyright content in test materials You must obtain permission from the relevant copyright owners, as listed in the ‘2022 key stage 1 tests copyright report’, for re-use of any third-party copyright content which we have identied in the test materia\ ls, as listed below. Alternatively, you should remove the unlicensed third-party copyright content and/or replace it with appropriately licensed material. Third-party content Lucky Duck: Taken from Lucky Duck, Macmillan Children’s Books, 2005. Author: Jonathan Shipton These texts have been incorporated into this test paper solely for the purposes of the examination in accordance with Section 32 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, as\ amended by the Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014. No copyright or clearance for any other use has been obtained or sought. The texts used in national curriculum assessments are carefully selected to ensure that they are suitable for pupils. Please note, however, that they are often taken from wider materials and you should review the content from the source material before using it with your pupils. If you have any queries regarding these test materials, contact the national curriculum assessments h\ elpline on 0300 303 3013 or email