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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge lower secondary checkpoint past exam paper English as a Second Language 1110/01/O/N/17 October/November 2017 questions paper 1 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

[PDF] October 2017 CAIE P1 Questions 1110 English as a Second Language Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint.pdf | Plain Text

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE NUMBER CAN DIDATE NUMBER *4349373444* ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Paper 1 Reading and Usage Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. 1110/01 October 2017 50 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part. The total number of marks for this paper is 45. This do cument consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages. PV1 © UCLES 2017

2 Part 1 Questions 1 – 10 Read the text below, and for each number, circle the correct word on the next page. Bottlenose Dolphins Bottlenose dolphins live in oceans around the world where the climate is (0) . They measure between two and four metres (1) length and their powerful tails help them swim (2) fast. Bottlenose dolphins always (3) to be smiling, which is because of the (4) of their mouths. Because they are sociable creatures, they live in groups of between ten and fifteen dolphins. They hunt and play together and help each other (5) after the baby dolphins. (6) they live underwater, dolphins have to come up to breathe air at least once every seven minutes. They can also jump up to five metres out of the water. Scientists are not totally (7) why they do this. It (8) be just for fun or perhaps they are trying to find food. Other possibilities are that they do it to (9) with other dolphins, or even (10) a way of cleaning themselves.

3 [Turn over Example: 0 mild calm light gentle 1 of on in at [1] 2 completely absolutely mostly extremely [1] 3 notice feel appear show [1] 4 frame pattern figure shape [1] 5 take look care keep [1] 6 Despite Although Unless Yet [1] 7 certain reliable correct definite [1] 8 need should ought could [1] 9 attract communicate accompany contact [1] 10 as by with like [1]

4 Part 2 Questions 11 – 20 Complete the email. For questions 11 – 20, write ONE word in each space. Example: (0) are From: Robbie To: Tom Hi Tom, How (0) are you? I promised (11) ………… write so here’s my first letter! I’m having a great time (12) ………… holiday. I’m staying (13) ………… my sister and her husband in a hotel near the coast. The weather has (14) ………… fantastic all week, so we have spent most of our time at the beach. I’ve (15) ………… some new friends too. (16) ………… is a family staying in the same hotel, and they have two boys (17) ………… age. We’ve done lots of fun things together, such (18) ………… playing football and volleyball. I’m enjoying myself but I am looking (19) ………… to coming home and seeing everyone again! Write and (20) ………… me know all about your holiday too! Robbie [Total: 10 marks]

5 [Turn over Part 3 Questions 21 – 25 Complete the conversation in a bookshop. What does the boy say to the shop assistant? For questions 21 – 25, write the correct letter A – H. Example: Shop Assistant: Hello, how can I help you? Boy: 0 ………… Shop Assistant: You need our art department. Are you looking for a special book? A B C D E F G H That will be great with the book, thanks. That’s much better. Do you sell cards too? I’d like one about painters. Do you sell many books on artists? Actually, it’s a special present for my father. It’s expensive though! Do you have anything else? Hi, I’m looking for a book about the history of art. Painting is an interesting topic to study. Boy: 21 ………… [1] Shop Assistant: Do you need information for a college project? Boy: 22 ………… [1] Shop Assistant: This is a lovely book, very popular with customers. Boy: 23 ………… [1] Shop Assistant: Well, we also sell a lot of this one over here. Boy: 24 ………… [1] Shop Assistant: You’ll find lots of different ones by the window – some have pictures by famous artists. Boy: 25 ………… [1] Shop Assistant: You’re welcome. G

6 Part 4 Questions 26 – 35 Look at the text in each question. What does it say? For questions 26 – 35, circle the correct letter A, B or C. Example: 0 AAndy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on Saturday rather than on Sunday. BAndy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if she’s not free on Saturday. CAndy wants to go sailing with Julia on both Saturday and Sunday if possible. 26 Kyle wants his mum to Atake him and his friend to the pool. Bget his swimming kit ready for him. Cwake him up early for swimming. [1] 27 AGracie is asking if her brother can have Lynda’s concert ticket. BGracie’s brother has offered to take the girls if Lynda’s parents can’t go. CGracie wants Lynda to try to change her parents’ minds about the concert. [1] Lynda About the concert. It’s a shame your parents won’t let you go. I’ve got great seats, and my brother will take care of us. Can’t you persuade them? Gracie

7 [Turn over 28 AFrom next week there will be 50% off many shoes. BYou only have a week to take advantage of the special 50% offer. CThe store is selling 50% of its products cheaply at the moment. [1] 29 AStudents need to take food but not money or drinks. BStudents will not be allowed to buy food or drinks in the shop. CStudents should bring a drink as well as something to eat. [1] 30 Mrs Smith’s message is Aexplaining why Richard’s granddad will be late. Btelling Richard about a change of plans. Creminding Richard about some arrangements. [1] This week – 50% off many shoes. Hurry – offer ends in 7 days’ time! School trip: Please remind your parents that you require a packed lunch. Drinks will be provided. Cash is unnecessary as you will not be permitted to buy souvenirs. Richard, Your mum called – her car’s broken down so your granddad will now pick you up after school. He’ll be a little late, so wait in Reception. Mrs Smith Secretary

8 31 AExtra help with maths has been cancelled until further notice. BThere must be a teacher present if you wish to study after school. CIf you let the teacher know in advance, you can get extra help. [1] 32 What must students do? Aask Emma to provide some material for the school magazine Bget in touch with Emma before producing anything for the magazine Cdecide if Emma should be responsible for the magazine this month [1] 33 ATo use the customer lift, you need to ask a member of staff. BIf you have difficulties when using the customer lift, see staff for help. CStaff can help customers reach other parts of the building. [1] Customer lift out of order. Staff lift available on request if required.

10 Part 5 Questions 36 – 40 The people below all want to join a swimming club. On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight swimming clubs. Decide which swimming club would be the most suitable for the following people. For questions 36 – 40, write the correct letter ( A – H) in the box. 36 Yasmin would love the chance to swim outdoors. She also wants to see some good swimmers in competitions. She’d like to make new friends too. [1] 37 Ali wants a regular individual lesson once a week after school until she feels ready to join a larger club. She’d also like to use the pool to practise in, without paying too much. [1] 38 Tamara wants to join an early-morning swimming group, and is also interested in increasing her general fitness. She’d like to race against members of other clubs. [1] 39 Stefan can’t attend swimming classes every week, but would still like to have some lessons. He’d also like some ideas for exercises to do at home. [1] 40 Jack is interested in generally improving his technique, and also loves fun team games. He’d like to get a useful qualification as he’d be interested in a holiday job at the pool. [1] photos removed for copyright

11 [Turn over Swimming Clubs A Watermans Club If you’re serious about swimming, we’ll help you achieve your aims. Most training is in the pool, but instructors also use gym sessions to improve your health and strength. We regularly enter competitions, and you’ll compete against some great swimmers. Book a term - sessions before school on Tuesdays, or Wednesday evenings. B Sutton Bathers If you love swimming but don’t like crowded public pools, we offer early-evening lake swimming at weekends during the summer. We teach activities like canoeing all year round, leading to widely-recognised certificates. Just join the club for a small fee, and then pay for each session you do. C Mill-Swim Club We work on making you faster, and our race nights let you compete against other swimmers in the club. It’s great fun, and all sessions are held after the pool closes to the public. We also offer private lessons in the mornings. D Selwood Swim Our small group session on Thursday evenings works on different skills and techniques. Come on the night and pay for the session you attend, or book eight sessions for a lower cost. Our teachers provide fitness plans to take away, and will suggest other classes the swimming centre offers. E Splashdown Centre Our groups, with a maximum of five, allow you to focus on individual improvement rather than competitive swimming, helping develop technique and fitness. Book a course early and enjoy a free extra activity of your choice – maybe diving, or a swim in our heated outdoor pool. F Dolphins Swimming Our club has sessions for every level, and many extra fun activities too. We also provide private classes, at times to suit you. We encourage members to swim in our pool whenever they can throughout the week, and our swim- scheme makes this easy – get discounts on entry with your membership card. G Oakfield Pools We have great-value weekly classes for all levels. Our social trips to top swimming events allow you to watch some of the country’s best swimmers, while getting to know other club members better. During the summer, we arrange trips to local rivers which are safe to swim in. H Central Swimmers The club meets on Monday evenings in our covered pool. Sign up for a ten-week course to make progress quickly. As well as focussing on your style and speed, meet new people through exciting pool activities like water-volleyball. You can take our Training Assistant course, with certificates for successful participants.

12 Part 6 Questions 41 – 45 Read the text and questions below. For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D. Aiden Kennedy: teenage chef Aiden Kennedy started cooking at home in Los Angeles, USA, at the age of eleven. Aiden, now fifteen, explains how it began. ‘Mom didn’t enjoy cooking, and I didn’t enjoy her food,’ he laughs. ‘Fortunately she wasn’t upset about it. Anyway, she started showing me different recipes on the internet when I asked her how to make stuff, and after looking at them I thought that was something I could do. I was right, and each dish I made, I experimented with to make it better.’ Aiden now produces his own recipes, which include a range of healthy ingredients that many people his age wouldn’t even recognise. Aiden decided to test his skills on the public and recently started a monthly dinner club in his home. During these evenings, professional chefs often arrive to taste the food he’s prepared. Their thoughts have appeared in daily newspapers and their comments have generally, though not always, been positive. How does Aiden feel about that? ‘Well, it’s not great when people criticise my food, but it’s impossible to please everyone – that’s something I’ve learnt. It was hard the first time I got a negative review but I soon got over it.’ Food writers have recently described the young chef as ‘brilliant’, so he admits the future looks bright. When asked about Aiden’s hobby, his mother explains: ‘I’ve always supported him, despite advice from teachers that he should give up the idea of becoming a chef and concentrate on his studies.’ Aiden, still in full-time education, now has lessons online so that he can organise his studies around cooking. 'He’s progressed fast and I’m delighted. It was an obvious choice letting him do what he loves,’ she insists. ‘And he’s always shown such extraordinary ability that I never doubted he’d do well.’ 41 What is the writer doing in this text? A describing how a young chef has developed his talent B encouraging people to do more cooking at home C recommending a career as a chef D giving advice on studying while having a hobby [1] 42 What made Aiden decide to take up cookery? A It was something his mother suggested to him. B It was something he had always wanted to do. C He had decided to eat more healthily. D He believed he would be good at it. [1]

13 43 What does Aiden say about getting negative comments on his dishes? A He thinks it is sometimes unfair. B He finds it difficult to get used to. C He accepts that it will happen. D He believes he can learn from it. [1] 44 How does Aiden’s mother feel about his hobby? A proud that he has achieved so much B surprised that he has been so successful C worried about its effect on his school work D pleased that he can do it at school [1] 45 What would Aiden say about his experience as a teenage chef? A B C D [1] ‘Although I found cooking difficult at the start, things are certainly going much better for me now.’ ‘I’m so glad I’ve had the chance to do this and that people like what I make.’ ‘My mother’s always helped me and I’ve learnt so much from the way she does things.’ ‘It was really hard to succeed because my teachers never really supported me.’



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