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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge lower secondary checkpoint past exam paper English as a Second Language 1110/03/A/M/17 April/May 2017 questions paper 3 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

[PDF] April 2017 CAIE P3 Questions 1110 English as a Second Language Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint.pdf | Plain Text

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint CANDIDATE NAME CENTRE NUMBER CANDIDATE NUMBER *8051861757* ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Paper 3 Listening Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. 1110/03 April 2017 approximately 45 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. While you are listening, write your answers on the question paper. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part. The total number of marks for this paper is 30. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES There are six parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. This document consists of 9 printed pages and 3 blank pages. PV4 © UCLES 2017

2 Part 1 Questions 1 – 5 For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and circle the letter A, B or C below it. Example: Why did Jason visit Ally? A B C 1 What is the girl going to give her grandmother? A B C [1] 2 What sports kit must the girl still pack? A B C [1]

3 [Turn over 3 Where did they go to on their last bike ride? A B C [1] 4 Which man is the girl’s uncle? short dark hair and glasses with beard short dark hair and glasses short blonde/fair hair and glasses and beard A B C [1] 5 When is the music concert? A B C [1]

4 Part 2 Questions 6 – 10 For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and circle the letter A, B or C below it. 6 Which film will be on TV this evening? A B C [1] 7 What part of the boy’s face got burnt in the sun? A B C [1] 8 What musical instrument does Charlie play in the band? A B C [1]

5 [Turn over 9 Which present was Lisa surprised to receive? A B C [1] 10 Where will the boy meet his mother? A B C [1]

6 Part 3 Questions 11 – 15 You will hear people talking in five different situations. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. 11 You hear a young man talking about a snowboarding competition. How did he feel about this year’s competition? A The event was fairer. B The course was more challenging. C The participants were all different ages. [1] 12 You hear a father and his daughter talking about moving to a new city. What is the girl looking forward to? A meeting new friends B attending a larger school C getting to know her cousins [1] 13 You hear a teacher talking to her class about a visit they went on. Why is she talking to them? A to make a comment on their good behaviour B to suggest places for their next school visit C to explain how to find information for a piece of work [1] 14 You hear a man asking for information about ice-skating. Why does he decide to go ice-skating in the evening? A The tickets are cheaper. B There is a disco. C It is the most popular time. [1] 15 You hear a teacher talking about a questionnaire. When should the students complete the questionnaire? A at the end of the lesson B after spending time thinking about their answers C when they have done a lot of research [1]

7 [Turn over Part 4 Questions 16 – 20 You will hear an interview with a girl called Marty Coleman who has won a competition for young cake makers. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. 16 Before the competition Marty was worried about A organising her time while she was taking part. B keeping her recipe a secret from the other competitors. C being too nervous to cook well in front of other people. [1] 17 What do people say about Marty’s personality? A She is very creative. B She is very patient. C She is very scientific. [1] 18 What does Marty say about the first cake she made by herself? A It looked very attractive. B Her parents pretended to like it. C It had a strong taste of coconut. [1] 19 What does Marty say about cake recipes? A She spends a lot on ingredients for recipes. B She prefers to use simple recipes. C She avoids traditional recipes. [1] 20 What is Marty going to do next? A write her own book B start a cookery club C set up a website [1]

8 Part 5 Questions 21 – 25 You will hear a teacher talking to a class about a trip to a science museum. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. Class visit to the Science Museum Day: Wednesday Meet in main hall at (21) ......................... a.m. Things to do at museum See show called Earth’s (22) ......................... Visit Our Planet’s Rocks exhibition Afternoon: Go to nature lecture about (23) ......................... Remember to bring (24) ......................... Look at science website www. (25) ......................... .com [Total: 5 marks]

9 Part 6 Questions 26 – 30 You will hear an interview with a woman called Cora Jones, who makes large sand sculptures. For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. 26 How did Cora first become interested in sand sculptures? A by watching her father B through playing with a friend C when searching the internet [1] 27 What did Cora learn from her first sand sculpture competition? A to work quickly B to deal with interruptions C to take breaks to observe others [1] 28 Cora thinks her best sand sculpture so far has been A a building. B an animal. C a person. [1] 29 Which event will Cora make her next sand sculpture for? A a birthday B a festival C a wedding [1] 30 What does Cora do to her sand sculptures after they are finished? A She asks children to destroy them. B She lets them slowly fall apart. C She guards them for a period of time. [1]



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