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Filename: [PDF] 2015 AP Psychology Practice Exam MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers Advanced Placement.pdf
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Description: Download file or read online AP past exam paper 2015 AP Psychology Practice Exam MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers and FRQ Free Response Questions with Scoring Guidelines - Collegeboard Advanced Placement.

[PDF] 2015 AP Psychology Practice Exam MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers Advanced Placement.pdf | Plain Text

AP ® Psychology Practice Exam From the 2 015 Administration NOT E: This version was administered in 2014 to a small and randomly selected group of students in U.S. schools for equating purposes. Given the 2014 administration , several multiple -choice questions on that exam were not aligned with DSM -5, as this alignment took effect for the 2015 exams . In order not to disadvantage students who took the international version of the exam in 2015, those six questions were removed from scoring and from this exam . Thi s P ractic e Exa m is provided by the Colleg e Boar d fo r AP Exam preparation . Teacher s ar e permitted to download the material s an d mak e copies to use wit h thei r student s in a classroo m settin g onl y. T o maintai n th e securit y of this exam , teacher s shoul d collec t al l material s afte r thei r administratio n an d keep the m in a secure location . Exam s ma y no t be poste d on schoo l or personal websites, no r electronically redistributed for an y reason. Fu rther distributio n of thes e material s outside of the secur e Colleg e Board sit e disadvantages teacher s wh o rel y on uncirculated questions for classroo m testing . An y additional distribution is in violation of the Colleg e Board ’s copyright policies an d ma y resul t in the terminatio n of Practic e Exa m acces s fo r you r schoo l as well as the removal of access to other online services such as the A P Teache r Communit y an d Onlin e Scor e Repo rts.

Contents Exam Instructions Student Answer Sheet for the Multiple -Choice Section Section I: Multiple -Choice Questions Section II: Free -Response Questions Multiple -Choice Answer Key Free- Response Scoring Guidelines Scoring Worksheet Note: This publication shows the page numbers that appeared in the 201 4−15 AP Exam Instructions book and in th e actual exam. This publication was not repaginated to begin with page 1. © 2015 The College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, SAT and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Permission to use copyrighted College Board materials may be requested online at: ww

Exam Instructions The following contains instructions taken from the 2014−15 AP Exam Instructions book.

214 What Proctors Need to Bring to This Exam • Exam packets • Ans wer sheets • AP St udent Packs • 201 4 - 15 AP Coordinator’s Manual • This book — AP Exam Instructions • AP Exam Seating Chart template(s) • Sc hool Code and Home-School/Self- Study Codes • Pen cil sharpener • Co ntainer for students’ electronic devices (if needed) • Ex tra No . 2 pencils with erasers • Ex tra pens with black or dark blue ink • Li ned paper • S tapler • Wa t c h • Si gns for the door to the testing room – “ Exam in Progress” – “Cell phones are prohibited in the testing room” SECTION I: Multiple Choice ! Do not begin the exam instructions below until you have completed the appropriate General Instructions for your group. Make sure you begin the exam at the designated time . Remember: You must complete a seating chart for this exam . See pages 279–280 for a seating chart template and instructions . See the 2014-15 AP Coordinator’s Manual for exam seating requirements (pages 48–50, 88) . If you are giving the regularly scheduled exam, say: It is Monday afternoon, May 4, and you will be taking the AP Psychology Exam. If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say: It is Friday morning, May 22, and you will be taking the AP Psychology Exam. In a moment, you will open the packet that contains your exam materials. By opening this packet, you agree to all of the AP Program’s policies and procedures outlined in the 2014 - 15 Bulletin for AP Students and Parents . You may now remove the shrinkwrap from your exam packet and take out the Section I booklet, but do not open the booklet or the shrinkwrapped Section II materials. Put the white seals aside. . . . AP® Psychology Exam Regularly Scheduled Exam Date: Monday afternoon, May 4, 2015 Late-Testing Exam Date: Friday morning, May 22, 2015 Section I Total Time: 1 hr. 10 min. Section II Total Time: 50 min. Section I Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes Number of Questions: 100 * Percent of Total Score: 66.6% Writing Instrument: Pencil required *The number of questions may vary slightly depending on the form of the exam. Section IITotal Time: 50 minutes Number of Questions: 2 essays Percent of Total Score: 33.3% Writing Instrument: Pen with black or dark blue ink ? 2015 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web:

215 Carefully remove the AP Exam label found near the top left of your exam booklet cover. Now place it on page 1 of your answer sheet on the light blue box near the top right-hand corner that reads “AP Exam Label.” If students accidentally place the exam label in the space for the number label or vice versa, advise them to leave the labels in place . They should not try to remove the label; their exam will be processed correctly . Read the statements on the front cover of Section I and look up when you have finished. . . . Sign your name and write today’s date. Look up when you have finished. . . . Now print your full legal name where indicated. Are there any questions? . . . Turn to the back cover and read it completely. Look up when you have finished. . . . Are there any questions? . . . You will now take the multiple-choice portion of the exam. You should have in front of you the multiple-choice booklet and your answer sheet. You may never discuss these specific multiple-choice questions at any time in any form with anyone, including your teacher and other students. If you disclose these questions through any means, your AP Exam score will be canceled. . . . You must complete the answer sheet using a No. 2 pencil only. Mark all of your responses beginning on page 2 of your answer sheet, one response per question. Completely fill in the circles. If you need to erase, do so carefully and completely. No credit will be given for anything written in the exam booklet. Scratch paper is not allowed, but you may use the margins or any blank space in the exam booklet for scratch work. Are there any questions? . . . You have 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section. Open your Section I booklet and begin. 12 6 3 9 No te Start Time here . Note Stop Time here . Check that students are marking their answers in pencil on their answer sheets, and that they are not looking at their shrinkwrapped Section II booklets . After 1 hour, say: There are 10 minutes remaining. After 10 minutes, say: Stop working. Close your booklet and put your answer sheet on your desk, face up. Make sure you have your AP number label and an AP Exam label on page 1 of your answer sheet. Sit quietly while I collect your answer sheets. Collect an answer sheet from each student . Check that each answer sheet has an AP number label and an AP Exam label . After all answer sheets have been collected, say: Now you must seal your exam booklet using the white seals you set aside earlier. Remove the white seals from the backing and press one on each area of your exam booklet cover marked “PLACE SEAL HERE.” Fold each seal over the back cover. When you have finished, place the booklet on your desk, face up. I will now collect your Section I booklet. . . . AP Exam Instructions PSYCHOLOGY ? 2015 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web:

216 Psychology Collect a Section I booklet from each student . Check that each student has signed the front cover of the sealed Section I booklet . There is a 10-minute break between Sections I and II . When all Section I materials have been c ollected and accounted for and you are ready for the break, say: Please listen carefully to these instructions before we take a 10-minute break. All items you placed under your chair at the beginning of this exam must stay there, and you are not permitted to open or access them in any way. Leave your shrinkwrapped Section II packet on your desk during the break. You are not allowed to consult teachers, other students, or textbooks during the break. You may not make phone calls, send text messages, check email, use a social networking site, or access any electronic or communication device. Remember, you may never discuss the multiple-choice questions at any time in any form with anyone, including your teacher and other students. If you disclose these questions through any means, your AP Exam score will be canceled. Are there any questions? . . . 12 6 3 9 You may begin your break. Testing will resume at . SECTION II: Free Response After the break, say: May I have everyone’s attention? Place your Student Pack on your desk. . . . You may now remove the shrinkwrap from the Section II packet, but do not open the exam booklet until you are told to do so. . . . Read the bulleted statements on the front cover of the exam booklet. Look up when you have finished. . . . Now place an AP number label on the shaded box. If you don’t have any AP number labels, write your AP number in the box. Look up when you have finished. . . . Read the last statement. . . . Using your pen, print the first, middle and last initials of your legal name in the boxes and print today’s date where indicated. This constitutes your signature and your agreement to the statements on the front cover. . . . Turn to the back cover and complete Item 1 under “Important Identification Information.” Print the first two letters of your last name and the first letter of your first name in the boxes. Look up when you have finished. . . . In Item 2, print your date of birth in the boxes. . . . In Item 3, write the school code you printed on the front of your Student Pack in the boxes. . . . Read Item 4. . . . Are there any questions? . . . ? 2015 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web:

217 I need to collect the Student Pack from anyone who will be taking another AP Exam. You may keep it only if you are not taking any other AP Exams this year. If you have no other AP Exams to take, place your Student Pack under your chair now. . . . While Student Packs are being collected, read the information on the back co ver of the exam booklet. Do not open the booklet until you are told to do so. Look up when you have finished. . . . Collect the Student Packs . Then say: Are there any questions? . . . You have 50 minutes to complete Section II. It is suggested that you divide your time equally between the two questions. You may use page 3 and the unlined pages of this booklet to organize your answers and for scratch work, but you must write your answers on the lined pages provided for each question. Begin each answer on the first lined page facing the question. The questions are repeated for your convenience. You are responsible for pacing yourself, and you may proceed freely from one question to the next. You must write your answers in the exam booklet using a pen with black or dark blue ink. If you need more paper during the exam, raise your hand. At the top of each extra sheet of paper you use, be sure to write only your AP number and the number of the question you are working on. Do not write your name. Are there any questions? . . . You may begin. 12 6 3 9 Note Start Time here . Note Stop Time here . Check that students are using pens to write their answers in their exam booklets . After 40 minutes, say: There are 10 minutes remaining. After 10 minutes, say: Stop working and close your exam booklet. Place it on your desk, face up. . . . If any students used extra paper for the free-response section, have those students staple the extra sheet(s) to the first page corresponding to that question in their exam booklets . Complete an Incident Report and include any exam booklets with extra sheets of paper in an Incident Report return envelope (see page 57 of the AP Coordinator’s Manual for details) . Then say: Remain in your seat, without talking, while the exam materials are collected. . . . Collect a Section II booklet from each student . Check for the following: • Exam booklet front cover: The student placed an AP number label on the shaded box, and p rinted his or her initials and today’s date . • Exam booklet back cover: The student completed the “Important Identification Information” area . AP Exam Instructions PSYCHOLOGY ? 2015 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web:

218 Psychology When all exam materials have been collected and accounted for, return to students any electronic devices you may have collected before the start of the exam . If you are giving the regularly scheduled exam, say: You may not discuss or share these specific free-response questions with anyone unless they are released on the College Board website in about two days. Your AP Exam score results will be available online in July. If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say: None of the questions in this exam may ever be discussed or shared in any way at any time. Your AP Exam score results will be available online in July. If any students completed the AP number card at the beginning of this exam, say: Please remember to take your AP number card with you. You will need the information on this card to view your scores and order AP score reporting services online. Then say: You are now dismissed. All exam materials must be placed in secure storage until they are returned to the AP Program after your school’s last administration . Before storing materials, check the “School Use Only” section on page 1 of the answer sheet and: • Fill in the appropriate section number circle in order to access a separate AP Instructional Planning Report (for regularly scheduled exams only) or subject score roster at the class section or teacher level . See “Post-Exam Activities” in the 2 01 4 - 15 AP Coordinator’s Manual . • C heck your list of students who are eligible for fee reductions and fill in the appropriate circle on their registration answer sheets . Be sure to give the completed seating chart to the AP Coordinator . Schools must retain seating charts for at least six months (unless the state or district requires that they be retained for a longer period of time) . Schools should not return any seating charts in their exam shipments unless they are required as part of an Incident Report . ? 2015 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web:

Student Answer Sheet for the Multiple -Choice Section Use this section to capture student responses. (Note that the following answer sheet is a sample, and may differ from one used in an actual exam. )

Sign your legal name as it will appear on your college applications. Date To maintain the security of the exam and the validity of my AP score, I w\ ill allow no one else to see the multiple-choice questions. I will seal the multiple-choice booklet when asked to do so, and I will not dis\ cuss these questions with anyone at any time after completing the section. I am aware of and agree to the AP Program’s policies and procedures as outlined in the 2014-15 Bulletin for AP Students and Parents, including using testing accommodations (e.g., extended time, computer\ , etc.) only if I have been preapproved by College Board Services for Students with Disabilities.COMPLETE THIS AREA AT EVERY EXAM.USE NO. 2 PENCIL ONLY A. SIGNATURE PAGE 1 AP Exam Label (from Section I Booklet) AP Number Label (from Student Pack) Answer Sheet 2 015 B. LEGAL NAME Omit apostrophes, Jr., II. Legal First Name ? First 12 Letters Legal Last Name ? First 15 Letters MI A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E F F F F F F F F F F F F F G G G G G G G G G G G G G H H H H H H H H H H H H H I I I I I I I I I I I I I J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K K K K K K K K L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O P P P P P P P P P P P P P Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q R R R R R R R R R R R R R S S S S S S S S S S S S S T T T T T T T T T T T T T U U U U U U U U U U U U U V V V V V V V V V V V V V W W W W W W W W W W W W W X X X X X X X X X X X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z – – – – – – – – – – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 12 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S D. EXAM DATE C. YOUR AP NUMBER Month AM PM F. MULTIPLE-CHOICE BOOKLET SERIAL NUMBER H. AP EXAM I AM TAKING USING THIS ANSWER SHEET Exam Name: Form Code: Form: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY ONCE. SCHOOL USE ONLY Fee Reduction Granted Section Number Option 1 Option 2 E. EXAM START TIME 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 G. ONLINE PROVIDER CODE Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 L. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (Optional) 104246-00657• UNLWEB315 Q3914/1- 4 COLLEGE CODE 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 M. COLLEGE TO RECEIVE YOUR AP SCORE REPORT College Name State Country Using the college code listed in the AP Student Pack, indicate the ONE college that you want to receive your AP score report. City SCHOOL CODE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 School Name State Country J. SCHOOL YOU ATTEND City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 INTERNATIONAL PHONE I. AREA CODE AND PHONE NUMBER 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month DayYear K. DATE OF BIRTH N. CURRENT GRADE LEVEL Not yet in 9th grade 9th 10th 11th 12th No longer in high school B123456789T 779934

P. LANGUAGE — Do not complete this section unless instructed to do so. 1 2 34 5 67 8 9 A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G H I If this answer sheet is for the French Language and Culture, German Language and Culture, Italian Language and Culture, Spanish Language and Culture, or Spanish Literature and Culture Exam, please answer the following questions. Your responses will not affect your score. 1. Have you lived or studied for one month or more in a country where the language of the exam you are now taking is spoken? Yes No DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA O. SURVEY QUESTIONS — Answer the survey questions in the AP Student Pack. Do not put responses to exam questions in this section. PAGE 2 COMPLETE THIS AREA AT EACH EXAM (IF APPLICABLE). Indicate your answers to the exam questions in this section (pages 2 and 3). Mark only one response per question for Questions 1 through 120. If a question has only four answer options, do not mark option E. Answers written in the multiple-choice booklet will not be scored. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5051 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 QUESTIONS 1–75 Yes No 2. Do you regularly speak or hear the language at home? A B C D A B C D You must use a No. 2 pencil and marks must be complete. Do not use a mechanical pencil. It is very important that you fill in the entire circle darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase as completely as possible. Incomplete marks or erasures may affect your score. COMPLETE MARK EXAMPLES OF INCOMPLETE MARKS SELECTED MEDIA EXAMS R W O OTHER EXAMS R W O PT02 TOTAL PT03 Subscore (if applicable) PT04 Subscore (if applicable) ETS USE ONLY Exam Exam 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

/ / / – . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 / / / – . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 / / / – . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 / / / – . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 / / / – . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 For Students Taking AP Biology / / / – . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 121123 122 124125 126 Write your answer in the boxes at the top of the griddable area and fill in the corresponding circles. Mark only one circle in any column. You will receive credit only if the circles are filled in correctly. PAGE 3 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 0 101 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 110111 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 9 120 Be sure each mark is dark and completely fills the circle. If a question has only four answer options, do not mark option E. QUESTIONS 76–120 © 2014 The College Board. College Board, AP, Student Search Service and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. QUESTIONS 121–126 A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138139 140 141 142 For Students Taking AP Physics 1 or AP Physics 2 Mark two responses per question. You will receive credit only if both correct responses are selected. QUESTIONS 131–142

X. ETHNICITY/RACE COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY ONCE. 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Section I: Multiple -Choice Questions This is the multiple -choice section of the 201 5 AP exam. It includes cover material and other administrative instructions to help familiarize students with the mechanics of the exam. (Note that future exams may differ in look from the following content.)

AP ® Psychology Exam SECTION I: Multiple Choice 2015 DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. At a Glance Total Time 1 hour, 10 minutes Number of Questions 94 Percent of Total Score 66.6% Writing Instrument Pencil required Instructions Section I of this exam contains 94 multiple-choice questions. Fill in only the circles for numbers 1 through 94 on your answer sheet. Indicate all of your answers to the multiple- choice questions on the answer sheet. No credit will be given for anything written in this exam booklet, but you may use the booklet for notes or scratch work. After you have decided which of the suggested answers is best, completely fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. Give only one answer to each question. If you change an answer, be sure that the previous mark is erased completely. Here is a sample question and answer. Use your time effectively, working as quickly as you can without losing accuracy. Do not spend too much time on any one question. Go on to other questions and come back to the ones you have not answered if you have time. It is not expected that everyone will know the answers to all of the multiple- choice questions. Your total score on the multiple- choice section is based only on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers or unanswered questions. Form I Form Code K-4KBP6 85

PSYCHOLOGY SECTION I Time — 1 hour and 10 minutes 94 Questions Directions: Each of the questions or inco mplete statements below is followe d by five suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. 1. Which developmental milestone must be reached before an infant experi ences separation anxiety? (A) Imprinting (B) Theory of mind (C) Conservation (D) Egocentrism (E) Object perma nence 2. Darien’s father dictated who Darien’s friends should be and what classes he should take, and he set an extremely early curfew. If Darien went against his father’s wishes, the repercussions were harsh and swift. What type of parenting did Darien experience? (A) Permissive (B) Rejecting-neglecting (C) Authoritative (D) Authoritarian (E) Self-regulation 3. In Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment, young men were assigned roles as either guards or prisoners. The results showed that (A) leadership styles can differentially influence behavior (B) groupthink can be dangerous (C) groups that are hostile toward each other may be united by a common goal (D) situations can exert powerful effects on morality and identity (E) socialization can have an impact on bystander apathy 4. Which of the following ex planations most clearly demonstrates an internal attribution for the reason a student fell asleep in class? (A) The student does not care about the class. (B) The class is b oring. (C) The class was scheduled too early in the morning. (D) The warm temperature of the room put the student to sleep. (E) The student’s roommates are too noisy at night. 5. A researcher interested in finding a simple way to estimate intelligence decides to evaluate skull circumference as a possible indicator of intelligence. He finds that the size of an adult’s skull remains the same from one measurement to the next, but he finds that skull circumference is not a very good predictor of intelligence. In this example, skull circumference as a measure of intelligence is (A) reliable and valid (B) reliable but not valid (C) valid but not reliable (D) neither reliable nor valid (E) highly correlated with intelligence test scores Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -3-

8. A person with damage to Broca’s area would most likely demonstrate which of the following symptoms? 6. Standard deviation is a measure of how much (A) a normal person’s behavior changes in a given time (B) two sets of scores vary together (C) difference there is between the highest and the lowest score in a sample (D) scores in a group differ from the mean of that group (E) scores from a sample differ from that of the population 7. Cognitive psychologists are most likely to study (A) the acquisition of knowledge, planning, and problem solving (B) how infants move from basic trust to autonomy (C) the conflicts of the conscious and the unconscious (D) the relationship of cephalocaudal and proximodistal development (E) how attribution processes vary across cultures (A) Forgetfulness (B) Hearing difficulties (C) Difficulty controlling balance and coordination (D) Difficulty controlling emotions (E) Difficulty with speech production 9. The ability to see a cube in the diagram above is best explained by which of the following? (A) The resting potential of neurons in the optic nerve (B) Gestalt principles of closure and continuity (C) The inverted and reversed image that a visual stimulus produces on the retina (D) The opponent process theory of vision (E) The trichromatic theory of vision 10. Jim decides to seek treatment for his alcoholism that involves taking a medication that causes nausea when paired with alcohol. What type of treatment has Jim chosen? (A) Cognitive (B) Psychodynamic (C) Humanistic (D) Behavioral (E) Gestalt Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -4-

11. The ratio of mental age to chronological age for a child of average intelligence is (A) 1:1 (B) 1:15 (C) 1:25 (D) 1:50 (E) 1:100 12. People were asked to sign a petition in support of a political candidate. Later, those who signed the petition were asked to donate money to the candidate, and many of them did. This phenomenon is best characterized as (A) social facilitation (B) the self-serving bias (C) the foot-in-the-door technique (D) the door-in-the-face technique (E) the lowball technique 13. Which of the following factors is an important predictor of attraction? I. Proximity II. Mere exposure III. Physical attractiveness (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I and III only (E) I, II, and III 14. On his first day of work at the bakery, Brad was nearly overwhelmed by the sweet odor of the baked goods. However, by lunchtime, he did not even notice the smell. This is an example of (A) retroactive inhibition (B) sensory adaptation (C) perceptual constancy (D) object permanence (E) absolute threshold 15. Research on the developm ent of personality traits across the life span has revealed that (A) an individual’s personality traits become more variable as the individual ages (B) the greatest changes in per sonality traits occur between the ages of about thirty and fifty (C) the oral, anal, and genital stages in Freudian personality theory seem to be valid, but the later stages are not (D) an individual’s personality traits tend to be relatively stable during middle adulthood (E) one’s personality traits change often because of environmental factors 16. A tumor that destroys the ventromedial hypothalamus is likely to produce which of the following? (A) Total lack of interest in food (B) Changes in the taste of food, but no change in the amount eaten (C) Changes in stomach volume and less-frequent eating (D) Frequent eating and obesity (E) Reduced production of fat Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -5-

Questions 17-18 refer to the following. 19. In classical conditioning , stimulus generalization occurs when an organism responds A psychological researcher designs a study to determine whether positive feedback aff ects self- esteem. The researcher requires each participant to toss twenty coins into a coff ee can that is three feet away. Half of the participants are told that their performance is superior, and the other half are told that their performance is well below average. Although some of the participants want to quit tossing coins after a few attempts, th ey are told that once they begin the study they have to complete it. After the coin toss, participants take a test measuring self- esteem. Following the test, all participants are debriefed and told that information about their performance was false. Results of the study indicate that participants who are told their performance is well below average report lower levels of self-esteem than do those who are told their performance is superior. 17. Which of the following elements constitutes the independent variable in the study? (A) The number of successful coin tosses (B) The number of coins the participants tossed (C) The measure of self-esteem (D) The feedback about relative performance in coin tossing (E) The number of participants 18. Which of the following violations of ethical guidelines occurs in the study? (A) Inappropriate use of deception (B) Violation of the right to withdraw (C) Violation of privacy (D) Violation of confidentiality (E) Exposure to harmful procedures (A) to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus (B) to stimuli that are similar to the unconditioned stimulus (C) to the conditioned stimulus the same way as to the unconditioned stimulus (D) with different types of responses to neutral stimuli (E) with different types of responses to the unconditioned stimulus 20. According to Wilhelm Wundt, the focus of scientific psychology should be the study of (A) observable behavior (B) conscious experience (C) unconscious motivation (D) physiology and behavior (E) evolved psychological mechanisms 21. Tina’s mother often en tertains Tina by bouncing a bunny puppet back and forth along the side of Tina’s crib. Initially, Tina pays close attention to the puppet but after a while, she begins to ignore it and continues doing what she was doing before the puppet appeared. Which of the following psychological concepts best explains Tina’s change in behavior? (A) Attachment (B) Discrimination (C) Maturation (D) Accommodation (E) Habituation Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -6-

22. Kathy is learning how to cook. She follows every direction on each recipe step by step to make sure her food tastes good. Which of the following describes the problem-solving approach that Kathy is using? (A) Algorithm (B) Representativeness heuristic (C) Divergent thinking (D) Cognitive map (E) Prototype 23. When a projective technique is used, a person could be asked to (A) select statements that she believes best describe her personality (B) select statements that she believes identify her likes and dislikes (C) look at some pictures and tell a story about each of them (D) respond to grade-leve l questions about math, English, social studies, and science (E) respond to questions designed to assess her artistic potential 24. Consistent with the concept of neural plasticity, neurons in mammals have been found to change the way they function as a result of repeated stimulation by doing which of the following? (A) Closing the synaptic gap (B) Growing new dendritic spines (C) Increasing the speed of depolarization along the axon (D) Reducing the intensity of action potentials (E) Blocking reuptake of neurotransmitter molecules 25. Fluoxetine (Prozac ®) has been shown to reduce depression primarily by (A) blocking receptor sites and decreasing the levels of dop amine and norepinephrine in the brain (B) blocking activity of monoamine oxidase in the brain (C) blocking receptor sites and decreasing the level of serotonin in the synapses (D) blocking reuptake and increasing the level of serotonin in the synapses (E) mimicking neurotransmitters in receptor sites and increasing the level of acetylcholine in the brain 26. Which of the following treatments assumes a biological cause for a disorder? (A) Systematic desensitization (B) Rational-emotive behavioral therapy (C) Client-centered therapy (D) Electroconvulsive therapy (E) Free association 27. Because the most popular students in the high school tend to wear a particular brand of athletic shoe, a new student buys a pair of shoes of the same brand. Such behavi or demonstrates which of the following social psychological concepts? (A) Obedience (B) Conformity (C) Cognitive dissonance (D) Groupthink (E) Compliance Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -7-

28. An individual bystander is most likely to help an injured person under which of the following circumstances? (A) When the bystander is the only other person present (B) When the injury is severe (C) When it is unclear if the injured person needs help (D) When the other people present are not helping the injured person (E) When a large number of people are present 29. Which of the following is the correct path a neural impulse will follow through the different layers of the retina? (A) Ganglion cells, bipolar cells, rods and cones, optic nerve (B) Bipolar cells, ganglion cells, rods and cones, optic nerve (C) Optic nerve, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, rods and cones (D) Rods and cones, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, optic nerve (E) Rods and cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve 30. A polygraph machine is often called a “lie detector,” although it does not detect lies. Instead, it responds to changes in (A) cognitive states (B) autonomic arousal (C) parasympathetic functioning (D) motivational level (E) neurotransmitter level 31. In Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation experiment, infants who were classified as securely attached were more likely to (A) have a tantrum when the mother left the room (B) express happiness when the mother returned to the room (C) prevent the mother from leaving the room (D) try to play with the stranger when the mother left the room (E) not notice when the mother returned to the room 32. Paul and Sally, who met and married in their mid-20s, have been married for 25 years. Their youngest child recently graduated from high school and has left for college. Which of the following is most likely true of this couple? (A) They are both experiencing a hormone surge. (B) Sally’s hormones are declining, and Paul’s are surging. (C) Their marital relationship will not change. (D) Their marital relationship will decline. (E) Their marital relationship will improve. Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -8-

33. The area labeled X in the drawing above denotes which of the following structures? (A) Dendrites (B) Nodes of Ranvier (C) Axon terminals (D) Mitochondria (E) Glial cells Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -9-

34. An individual was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a mild tingling on the right side of the face and a sudden inability to speak. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a doctor would likely find (A) an abnormality in the brain tissue of the left hemisphere (B) an increase in brain activity in the left frontal lobe (C) an increase in blood flow to the right hemisphere (D) an abnormal growth in t he right frontal lobe (E) a pattern of red and yellow highlighting activity in Broca’s area 35. Amanda experienced discomfort in class. She put on a sweater when she realized her discomfort was caused by the cold. H er behavior was motivated by (A) androgens (B) body mass in dex (C) display rules (D) a drive (E) cognitive dissonance 36. Raul wants to teach his daughter Sonia to tie her shoes. First he praises her when she manipulates her shoelaces in any way. Then he praises her when she makes a simple knot. Once she does that consistently, he praises her only when she makes the knot and a loop. He continues the pattern until she can do all the steps required to tie her shoes. Raul’s actions are an example of which of the following techniques? (A) Modeling (B) Shaping (C) Rehearsal (D) Classical conditioning (E) Negative reinforcement 37. Which of the following is NOT a method for reducing the dissonance a person might experience after refusing to contribute money for a gift to a coworker? (A) Saying a phrase such as “I am so rude” over and over (B) Volunteering to buy a gift for another coworker for a different occasion (C) Repeating the thought that the coworker makes a good salary and does not need a gift (D) Focusing on the thought that the coworker most likely would not contribute money for a gift for another person (E) Making a donation to a charity in the coworker’s name 38. Which of the following theories most accurately explains pitch perception? I. Opponent process II. Frequency III. Place (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III 39. On an intelligence test , the number of questions an individual answers correctly is meaningless without which of the following? (A) Factor analysis (B) Standardization (C) g factor (D) Aptitude index (E) Face validity Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -10-

40. As a result of being hypnotized, an individual may not feel the hypnotist touching her arm because of (A) synesthesia (B) psychosis (C) paralysis (D) suggestibility (E) locus of control 41. Specific phobia differs from generalized anxiety disorder in which of the following ways? (A) Specific phobia is linked to a particular stimulus, whereas generalized anxiety disorder is not. (B) Generalized anxiety disorder is linked to a particular stimulus, whereas specific phobia is not. (C) Specific phobia is not very upsetting for the sufferer, whereas generalized anxiety disorder is. (D) Generalized anxiety disorder is not very upsetting for the sufferer, whereas specific phobia is. (E) Generalized anxiety disorder is classified as one of the anxiety disorders, whereas specific phobia is not. 42. Significant damage to which of the following parts of the brain will most likely cause a person to fall into a deep coma from which the person will be unable to awaken? (A) Hypothalamus (B) Frontal lobe (C) Reticular formation (D) Amygdala (E) Thalamus 43. A dog bit Sam when he was a small child and now Sam believes all dogs bite. Which of the following is a type of reasoning that Sam is using to come to this conclusion? (A) Deductive (B) Inductive (C) Iconic (D) Echoic (E) Explicit 44. Which of the following is more associated with environmental effects than with genetic influence? (A) Fetal alcohol syndrome (B) Prenatal maturation (C) Temperament (D) Rooting reflex (E) Sequence of motor development 45. In the early years of psychology, a research participant might have been asked to observe carefully and systematically his conscious experiences. What method would the participant be using? (A) Functionalism (B) Introspection (C) Biofeedback (D) Dream analysis (E) Behaviorism 46. A cancer patient becomes nauseated following chemotherapy treatments. After a few treatments, the patient begins having a sick feeling whenever entering the treatment room. The treatment room has become (A) a primary reinforcer (B) a conditioned reinforcer (C) a neutral stimulus (D) a conditioned stimulus (E) an unconditioned stimulus 47. Which of the following studies in the field of social psychology met with the greatest criticism about the ethical issues involved? (A) Stanley Milgram’s studies on obedience (B) Irving Janis’ studies on groupthink (C) Solomon Asch’s studies on conformity (D) Muzafer Sherif’s Robbers Cave study (E) Robert Zajonc’s studies on the mere-exposure effect Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -11-

48. Melvin, a server at a restaurant, is in the middle of a lunch rush. He is completing orders, serving customers, and seating new guests. He has adapted to this level of stress and is coping. Which of the following terms identifies a stage in Hans Selye’s general adaptation syndrome that Melvin is currently experiencing? (A) Resistance (B) Exhaustion (C) Withdrawal (D) Alarm (E) Pressure 49. Which of the following is true of a child with high self-efficacy regarding her ability to play soccer? (A) She believes she has played poorly if she does not score a goal. (B) She feels confident that she can play well enough to score a goal. (C) She wants to score more goals than any other girl on her team. (D) She plays soccer well only as long as she is interested in soccer. (E) She has high self-efficacy for social and academic skills as well. 50. When viewed from the window of a movi ng train, nearby objects seem to pass by more quickly than do more distant objects. This cue for depth per­ ception is called (A) stroboscopic motion (B) motion parallax (C) motion constancy (D) linear perspective (E) the Müller-Lyer illusion 51. Morgan made the fundamental attribution error in explaining her students’ poor performance on their geography examination when she said which of the following? (A) “I thought it was too cold in the room on test day. Maybe that’s why the students did poorly.” (B) “The students just do not care enough about their grades.” (C) “The class meets at such an early time. Perhaps that’s why the class performed poorly.” (D) “I will have to present the material to them another way and retest.” (E) “Maybe I am just not a good teacher.” 52. Which of the following is the best example of fluid intelligence? (A) Reciting the names of all the continents in the world without looking at a map (B) Identifying the author of a very famous novel (C) Using cubes to figure out the solution to a previously unseen puzzle (D) Giving an adequate definition of a difficult word (E) Recognizing a piece of classical music 53. Which of the following treatments would be most effective for someone who experiences a rapid heartbeat, light-headedness, and nausea when speaking in public? (A) Medication to reduce dopamine levels (B) Interpretation of transference behaviors (C) Systematic desensitization (D) Reflective listening (E) Aversive conditioning Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -12-

54. The idea that the explanation for prejudice lies in children’s modeling of their parents’ prejudicial beliefs, emotions, and beha viors is most closely aligned with the theories of which of the following? (A) Lev Vygotsky (B) John B. Watson (C) Jean Piaget (D) B. F. Skinner (E) Albert Bandura 55. To study differences in the cognitive processing of younger and older adults, Genevieve assessed a group of 30 year olds and a group of 60 year olds using the same cognitive task. She found no significant difference in cognitive processing between the two groups. Which of the following is a true statement that best explains her findings? (A) Researchers have not documented changes in cognitive ability over the human life span. (B) Genevieve’s participants were most likely women, who do not decline cognitively as they age. (C) Genevieve’s task i nvolved semantic memory, which does not typically show decline among people of the ages she tested. (D) Most decline in cogniti ve ability is associated with dementia, which would not yet have occurred in the participants at age 60. (E) Genevieve’s older participants were most likely taking memory medications that prolong the ability to be proficient in cognitive tasks. 56. After an electrode implanted in a cat’s brain stimulates the cat’s amygdala, the cat will most likely do which of the following? (A) Demonstrate maternal instincts (B) Begin to eat uncontrollably (C) Begin to purr and seek physical contact (D) Immediately slip into REM sleep (E) Immediately withdraw in fear 57. Which of the following examples best illustrates the defense mechanism of regression? (A) After failing an exam, a college student has a temper tantrum and tears up his books and notes. (B) Anxious about an upcoming election for class president, a high school student stops campaigning, saying that anything she does will not matter anyway. (C) After his girlfriend leaves him, a graduate student accuses his best friend of disloyalty. (D) A military combat veteran avoids movies and television shows with violent content. (E) A person who frequently uses drugs joins an antidrug group. 58. Scott lost his vision at a young age. When he was much older, he received a corneal transplant that allowed him to see again. After so many years of not being able to see, he had a very difficult time interpreting visual information such as faces and expressions. His visual problems most likely came from processing difficulties in the (A) lens (B) optic chiasm (C) visual cortex (D) fovea (E) cornea 59. Which of the following is a common symptom of the manic phase of bipolar disorder? (A) Auditory hallucinations (B) A feeling of intense sadness (C) Rapid speech (D) The presence of two distinct personalities (E) Narcolepsy 60. What hormone seems to be most closely linked with aggressive behavior? (A) Estrogen (B) Testosterone (C) Melatonin (D) Insulin (E) Leptin Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -13-

61. Mary is introduced to three new people at a party. Later, however, she cannot remember the names of any of her new acquaintances, even though she remembers what she ate, her old friends who were there, and the address of the host. What may account for Mary’s inability to remember these individuals’ names? (A) She processed them into long-term memory, and they are no longer accessible from short-term memory. (B) There were many activities at the party. She probably exceeded the capacity of her long-term memory. (C) She overlearned the names through excessive rehearsa l. (D) She never encoded the names into long-term memory. (E) She experienced a failure of her echoic memory. 62. Serena is in a hotel room with a cake that needs slicing, but she does not have a knife. She goes to the bathroom and comes back with a long strand of dental floss, which she uses to cut the cake. Serena has overcome which barrier to problem solving? (A) Availability heuristic (B) Divergent thinking (C) Confirmation bias (D) Functional fixedness (E) Fixation 63. Which of the following is an example of a cognitive distortion accord ing to Aaron Beck’s cognitive therapy model of treatment? (A) “If I don’t get all As in college, then my degree will be worth nothing.” (B) “My mother had a difficult childhood and has difficulty showing affection.” (C) “There is a girl in my class who does not talk to anyone because she is shy.” (D) “If I don’t go to the mall today, then I might miss the end-of-season sales.” (E) “My brother does not like to hang out with me because I am so much younger than he.” 64. The Flynn eff ect is best illustrated by which of the following statements? (A) A child must clean his room before his parents allow him to watch television. (B) Intelligence scores increase from generation to generation. (C) An individual feels overweight but eats large portions of high-calorie food anyway. (D) An individual agrees to a small request and complies later with a larger request. (E) Crystallized intelligen ce increases with age. 65. Cocaine blocks the reuptake of which neurotransmitter? (A) Epinephrine (B) Endorphins (C) Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (D) Substance P (E) Dopamine Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -14-

66. The data above repres ent research findings by Bibb Latané and colleague s. What psychological principle is best represented in the graph? (A) Group polarization (B) Groupthin k (C) Fundamental attribution error (D) Social loafing (E) Conformity 67. The notion of self-actualization is most closely associated with which of the follow- ing approaches to explaining personality? (A) Sociocultural (B) Biological (C) Behavioral (D) Humanistic (E) Psychodynamic 68. When people consume large amounts of alcohol, they are often unable to recall what they did and said while they were drinking. This occurs because alcohol interferes with the brain’s ability to form new memories in the (A) reticular formation (B) occipital lobe (C) parietal lobe (D) thalamus (E) hippocampus 69. Research shows that women who are referred by a physician to participate in a study of eating disorders have more severe problems than women who volunteer on their own to participate in the study. If research on eating disorders regularly involves only women referred by physicians, the results of the studies might be limited because of the presence of (A) sampling bias (B) placebo effects (C) social desirability (D) dependent variables (E) nonrandom assignment 70. If mice lack an enzyme es sential to the process of long-term potentiation, which of the following will be the most likely consequence? (A) They will be unable to learn a maze. (B) They will learn a maze as well as mice who have the enzyme. (C) They will learn a maze only through observational learning. (D) They will learn a maze only through classical conditioning. (E) They will learn a maze only through positive reinforcement. Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -15-

71. The chart above illustrates which of the following psychological concepts? (A) Next-in-line effect (B) Spacing effect (C) Misinformation effect (D) Serial position effect (E) Short-term memory decay 72. Thomas is thirty years old and is very shy. He becomes anxious in social situations, so he avoids them. Thomas does not have close friends and rarely leaves his apartment. However, he writes a very successful and popular Internet blog, is usually content and calm while working at home, and has a positive relationship with his family. Psychologists would be hes itant to label Thomas as psychologically disordered because his behavior (A) is a conscious choice, rational, and predictable (B) was learned through principles of operant conditioning (C) was learned through principles of classical conditioning (D) does not appear to be deviant from the norm (E) does not appear to cause distress or impair his day-to-day functioning 73. Ben was enjoying a walk in the woods on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. As he went around a curve, he noticed a bear walking toward him. Immediately his pupils dilated, he began to perspire, and his heart accelerated. These changes are most closely related to the function of the (A) angular gyrus (B) hippocampus (C) parasympathetic nervous system (D) sympathetic nervous system (E) ventricular system Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -16-

Questions 74-75 refer to the following. Rachel plays on the high school basketball team. Her scores for the season are presented in the table below. Scores 4 6 6 9 10 12 15 19 74. Which of the following is the range of Rachel’s scores? (A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 15 (E) 23 75. Which of the following is the median of Rachel’s scores? (A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 9.5 (D) 10 (E) 10.5 76. Which of the following psychological theories would explain posttraumatic stress disorder as being the result of irrational beliefs and ideas? (A) Psychoanalytic (B) Gestalt (C) Evolutionary (D) Cognitive (E) Humanistic 77. Client-centered therapists try to appreciate how the world appears from the client’s point of view. This is an example of which of the following concepts? (A) Reflection (B) Congruence (C) Self-concept (D) Empathy (E) Unconditional positive regard 78. Ashley began her banking career as a teller, but she was quickly promoted to increasingly more responsible managerial positions. Despite the fact that she has very limited experience to justify her promotions, she believes that she has been successful because she is very talented. Which of the following explanations is Ashley using to justify her success? (A) Self-serving bias (B) Hindsight bias (C) Defensive attribution (D) External attribution (E) Social schema Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -17-

79. One-year-old Marcus turns away in disgust if a bitter substance is placed on his tongue. The reason for such a reaction is most likely (A) an inborn distaste for bitter that protects us from potential poisons in the environment (B) an inherited familial characteristic (C) an example of imitation of behavior modeled by other family members (D) a classically conditioned taste aversion response (E) a common but temporary aversion to bitter tastes produced by cold viruses 80. Tina is reading an important letter when she accidentally splashes water on the paper. The water has smudged a few words, but she is still able to understand what the letter says. This can be explained by (A) top-down processing (B) bottom-up processing (C) parallel processing (D) retinal disparity (E) color constancy 81. Henry took an intelligence test and scored lower than he thought he should. He kept retaking the test, but he kept getting about the same score each time. This series of events indicates that the test was (A) reliable (B) valid (C) standardized (D) normed (E) predictive 82. If an individual has lost the ability to feel pain in the left arm, there is most likely damage to what area of the brain? (A) Left occipital lobe (B) Left parietal lobe (C) Right frontal lobe (D) Right parietal lobe (E) Right occipital lobe 83. During a quiz , a student is asked, “Which is more common in the English language, the letter “k” as the first letter in a word or the letter “k” as the third letter in a word?” Which of the following would be the student’s lik ely response if he relied on the availability heuristic to answer the question? (A) He would say that “k” is more likely as the first letter of words becaus e those are the first words that come to his mind. (B) He would arrive at his answer by referring to earlier questions on the quiz. (C) He would answer that “k” is more likely as the third letter of words because he would focus more on the second part of the question that was asked. (D) He would systematically find and record all words beginning with “k” and all words with “k” as the third letter. (E) He would attempt to figure the statistical likelihood of each option. 84. Research has shown that a major reason for poor performance while multitask ing is that while multitasking, people (A) switch their attention rapidly from task to task, so they miss critical information associated with a task that is not receiving their attention (B) confuse information in long-term memory associated with the various tasks they are trying to perform (C) have a heightened awareness of each task they are trying to perform, so it is difficult for them to ignore one task temporarily in order to complete another task (D) process information associated with the various tasks at a deep level, so they encode too much information to recall easily and therefore their performance deteriorates (E) encode information efficiently, but they have a difficult time retrieving it for use on a given task Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -18-

85. Which of the following is an example of an individual who demonstrates an internal locus of control? (A) A woman believes that the reason she is often late to work is because of the traffic in her neighborhood. (B) A student volunteers at a food shelter because her school club requires community service of its members. (C) A man thinks that his displays of aggression are due to the extra caffeine he has been consuming lately. (D) A student decides to run for student government because he feels he can make some positive changes in the school. (E) A teacher decides that students are noisy in her afternoon classes because of the energy they get after eating lunch. 86. Research studies indicate that people who are intrinsically motivated as compared to people who are extrinsically motivated tend to (A) work harder and enjoy their work more (B) work less and enjoy their work less (C) more eagerly look forward to rewards like paychecks (D) be less creative and less effective (E) respond to a challenge by working less 87. The results of a correlational study involving student volunteers in a psychology laboratory might not apply to the general population because (A) laboratory environments are generally too artificial to generate accurate results (B) the sample is not randomly chosen and therefore may not be a representative sample (C) only experimental studies apply to the general population (D) in a correlational study, no variables are actually manipulated (E) correlational studies do not involve naturalistic observation 88. In the first part of an experiment, one group of rats received reinforcement after correctly navigating a maze. A se cond group received no reinforcement after wandering around the maze. In the next part, both groups received reinforcement after navigating the maze. Despite not receiving reinforcement at the beginning of the experiment, the second group performed as well as the first. The lear ning that occurred in the second group in the absence of reinforcement is called (A) latent learning (B) extinction (C) partial reinforcement (D) observational learning (E) classical conditioning 89. An evolutionary psychologist would explain that humans desire social interaction, social acceptance, and social affiliation due to a need for (A) achievement (B) individualism (C) behavioral change (D) survival (E) self-actualization 90. Yun was learning English as an adult. She found that she had trouble with some of the sounds in English because those sounds were not part of her native Chinese. The difficulty she was having involved (A) pragmatics (B) phonemes (C) morphemes (D) syntax (E) semantics Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -19-

91. Children who are consistently praised for receiving high grades in school will likely continue to work for high grades. Using an operant conditioning explanation of this phenomenon, which of the following is true? (A) The praise functions as a positive reinforcer. (B) The praise functions as a generalized stimulus. (C) The grades function as the stimulus that elicits a response. (D) The grades function as a discriminant stimulus. (E) The school functions as a negative reinforcer. 92. Jeff always tells his children not t o use bad language when something does not go the way they want. Unfortunately, Jeff uses bad language occasionally and his children have observed him do so. Now Jeff’s children use bad language. This can be explained by (A) learned helplessness (B) social learning theory (C) representativeness (D) classical conditioning (E) self-efficacy 93. Researchers have found a negative correlation between income and dental problems. What conclusion can correctly be drawn from this statement? (A) Having a higher income causes fewer dental problems. (B) As income increases, the likelihood of requiring dental care increases. (C) As income increases, dental procedures become more affordable. (D) A rise in the incidence of dental problems causes income to be lower. (E) As income increases, the likelihood of dental problems decreases. 94. A psychologist who classifies an individual’s personality according to the person’s manifestations of traits such as neuroticism, openness, and extraversion probably believes in which model of personality? (A) Behavioral (B) Psychosexual (C) Psychosocial (D) Five-factor (E) Congruence END OF SECTION I IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS SECTION. DO NOT GO ON TO SECTION II UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DONE THE FOLLOWING. • PLACED YOUR AP NUMBER LABEL ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET • WRITTEN AND GRIDDED YOUR AP NUMBER CORRECTLY ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET • TAKEN THE AP EXAM LABEL FROM THE FRONT OF THIS BOOKLET AND PLACED IT ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. -20-

Section I I: Free- Response Questions This is the free-response section of the 201 5 AP exam. It includes cover material and other administrative instructions to help familiarize students with the mechanics of the exam. (Note that future exams may differ in look from the following content.)

AP ® Psychology Exam SECTION II: Free Response 2015 DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. At a Glance Total Time 50 minutes Number of Questions 2 Percent of Total Score 33.3% Writing Instrument Pen with black or dark blue ink Weight The questions are weighted equally. Instructions The questions for Section II are printed in this booklet. You may use page 3 and the unlined pages of this booklet to organize your answers and for scratch work , but you must write your answers on the lined pages provided for each question. Begin each answer on the lined page facing the question. The questions are repeated for your convenience. Write clearly and legibly. Do not skip lines. Cross out any errors you make; crossed- out work will not be scored. Manage your time carefully. Divide your time about equally between the two questions. You may proceed freely from one question to the next. You may review your responses if you finish before the end of the exam is announced. Form I Form Code 4KBP6-S 85


1 33 3 PSYCHOLOGY SECTION II Time — 50 minutes Percent of total score — Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer BOTH of the follo wing questions. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your criti cal analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. 1. Spencer is five years old and loves takin g guitar lessons. Spencer’s father is proud of him and plans to enco urage his efforts by giving him money for every new song he learns to play, even if he plays out of t une. A. Explain how each of the following would enhance or de tract from Spencer’s experience as he learns to play the guitar. • Cerebellum • Difference threshold • Overjustificat ion effect • Explicit memory • Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement B. When Spencer is eighteen years old and considering a career as a musician, how might each of the following contribute to Spencer’s decision either to immediately pursue a musical career or to seek admission to music school? • Belief pers everance • Permissive parenting style • Practical intelligence THIS PAGE MAY BE USED FOR TAKING NOTES AND PLANNING YOUR ANSWERS. NOTES WRITTEN ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT BE SCORED. WRITE ALL YOUR RES PONSES ON THE LINED PAGES. Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -4-


Question 1 is reprinted for your convenience. 1. Spencer is five years old and loves taking guitar lessons. Spencer’s father is proud of him and plans to encourage his efforts by giving him money for every new song he learns to play, even if he plays out of tune. A. Explain how each of the following would enhance or de tract from Spencer’s experience as he learns to play the guitar. • Cerebellum • Difference threshold • Overjustification effect • Explicit memory • Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement B. When Spencer is eighteen years old and considering a career as a musician, how might each of the following contribute to Spencer’s decision either to immediately pursue a musical career or to seek admission to music school? • Belief perseverance • Permissive parenting style • Practical intelligence Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -6-


Question 1 is reprinted for your convenience. 1. Spencer is five years old and loves takin g guitar lessons. Spencer’s father is proud of him and plans to encourage his efforts by giving him money for every new song he learns to play, even if he plays out of tune. A. Explain how each of the following would enhance or de tract from Spencer’s experience as he learns to play the guitar. • Cerebellum • Difference threshold • Overjustification effect • Explicit memory • Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement B. When Spencer is eighteen years old and considering a career as a musician, how might each of the following contribute to Spencer’s decision either to immediately pursue a musical career or to seek admission to music school? • Belief perseverance • Permissive parenting style • Practical intelligence Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -8-


Question 1 is reprinted for your convenience. 1. Spencer is five years old and loves taking guitar lessons. Spencer’s father is proud of him and plans to encourage his efforts by giving him money for every new song he learns to play, even if he plays out of tune. A. Explain how each of the following would enhance or de tract from Spencer’s experience as he learns to play the guitar. • Cerebellum • Difference threshold • Overjustification effect • Explicit memory • Variable ratio schedule of reinforcement B. When Spencer is eighteen years old and considering a career as a musician, how might each of the following contribute to Spencer’s decision either to immediately pursue a musical career or to seek admission to music school? • Belief perseverance • Permissive parenting style • Practical intelligence Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -10-


2. Researchers are interested in investigating Jean Piaget’s theory of cogn itive development. They want to measure the reasoning ability of five-year-old preoperational child ren, ten-year-old concrete operational children, and fifteen-year-old formal operational adolescents. The resear chers have not yet decided on the design for the study. • Describe how the researchers would make this a cross- sectional rather than a longitudinal study. • Discuss one major advantage of using a longitudi nal design to explore the development of reasoning ability. • Explain how a precise operational definit ion of reasoning ability is important to the study. • Explain o ne way the researchers could maxi mize the generalizability of their findings. • Describe a co gnitive limitation, common in five year olds but not in ten year olds, that accounts for the lack of conservation in five year olds, according to Piaget. • After conducting the stud y, the researchers are surprised to find no difference between the five year olds and the ten year olds in performance on a volum e conservation task. Based on common critiques of Piaget’s theory, why did this occur? • Using an example, explain the difference in reas oning ability betw een the fifteen year olds and the ten year olds, according to Piaget’s theory. THIS PAGE MAY BE USED FOR TAKING NOTES AND PLANNING YOUR ANSWERS. NOTES WRITTEN ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT BE SCORED. WRITE ALL YOUR RESPONSES ON THE LINED PAGES. Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -12-


Question 2 is reprinted for your convenience. 2. Researchers are interested in investigating Jean Piaget’s theory of cogn itive development. They want to measure the reasoning ability of fi ve-year-old preoperational child ren, ten-year-old concrete operational children, and fifteen-year-old formal operational adolescents. The resear chers have not yet decided on the design for the study. • Describe how the researchers would make this a cross-sectional rather than a longitudinal study. • Discuss one major advantage of using a longitudi nal design to explore the development of reasoning ability. • Explain how a precise operational definit ion of reasoning ability is important to the study. • Explain o ne way the researchers could maxi mize the generalizability of their findings. • Describe a co gnitive limitation, common in five year olds but not in ten year olds, that accounts for the lack of conservation in five year olds, according to Piaget. • After conducting the stud y, the researchers are surprised to find no difference between the five year olds and the ten year olds in performance on a volum e conservation task. Based on common critiques of Piaget’s theory, why did this occur? • Using an example, explain the difference in reas oning ability betw een the fifteen year olds and the ten year olds, according to Piaget’s theory. Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -14-


Question 2 is reprinted for your convenience. 2. Researchers are interested in investigating Jean Piaget’s theory of cogn itive development. They want to measure the reasoning ability of fi ve-year-old preoperational child ren, ten-year-old concrete operational children, and fifteen-year-old formal operational adolescents. The resear chers have not yet decided on the design for the study. • Describe how the researchers would make this a cross-sectional rather than a longitudinal study. • Discuss one major advantage of using a longitudi nal design to explore the development of reasoning ability. • Explain how a precise operational definit ion of reasoning ability is important to the study. • Explain o ne way the researchers could maxi mize the generalizability of their findings. • Describe a co gnitive limitation, common in five year olds but not in ten year olds, that accounts for the lack of conservation in five year olds, according to Piaget. • After conducting the stud y, the researchers are surprised to find no difference between the five year olds and the ten year olds in performance on a volum e conservation task. Based on common critiques of Piaget’s theory, why did this occur? • Using an example, explain the difference in reas oning ability betw een the fifteen year olds and the ten year olds, according to Piaget’s theory. Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -16-


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