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AP Biology 2002 Exam *** Section I Multiple -Choice

2002 AP ® BIOLOGY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 2 BIOLOGY SECTION II Time—1 hour and 30 minutes Directions: Answer all questions. Answers must be in essay form. Outline form is not acceptable. Labeled diagrams may be used to supplement discussion, but in no case will a diagram alone suffice. It is important that you read each question completely before you begin to write. Write all your answers on the pages following the questions in this booklet. 1. The human genome illustrates both continuity and change. (a) Describe the essential features of two of the procedures/techniques below. For each of the procedures/ techniques you describe, explain how its application contributes to understanding genetics.  The use of a bacterial plasmid to clone and sequence a human gene  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)  Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis (b) All humans are nearly identical genetically in coding sequences and have many proteins that are identical in structure and function. Nevertheless, each human has a unique DNA fingerprint. Explain this apparent contradiction.

2002 AP ® BIOLOGY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 3 2. The activities of organisms change at regular time intervals. These changes are called biological rhythms. The graph depicts the activity cycle over a 48-hour period for a fictional group of mammals called pointy-eared bombats, found on an isolated island in the temperate zone. (a) Describe the cycle of activity for the bombats. Discuss how three of the following factors might affect the physiology and/or behavior of the bombats to result in this pattern of activity.  temperature  food availability  presence of predators  social behavior (b) Propose a hypothesis regarding the effect of light on the cycle of activity in bombats. Describe a controlled experiment that could be performed to test this hypothesis, and the results you would expect. 3. The complexity of structure and function varies widely across the animal kingdom. Despite this variation, animals exhibit common processes. These include the following.  transport of materials  response to stimuli  gas exchange  locomotion (a) Choose two of the processes above and for each, describe the relevant structures and how they function to accomplish the process in the following phyla. Cnidaria (e.g., hydra, jellyfish) Annelida (e.g., earthworm) Chordata (e.g., mouse) (b) Explain the adaptive (evolutionary) value(s) of the structural examples you described in part a.

2002 AP ® BIOLOGY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 4 4. The following experiment was designed to test whether different concentration gradients affect the rate of diffusion. In this experiment, four solutions (0% NaCl, 1% NaCl, 5% NaCl , and 10% NaCl) were tested under identical conditions. Fifteen milliliters (mL) of 0% NaCl were put into a bag formed of dialysis tubing that is permeable to Na +, Cl -, and water. The same was done for each NaCl solution. Each bag was submerged in a separate beaker containing 300 mL of distilled water. The concentration of NaCl in mg/L in the water outside each bag was measured at 40-second intervals. The results from the 5% bag are shown in the table below. CONCENTRATION IN mg/L OF NaCl OUTSIDE THE 5% NaCl BAG Time (seconds) NaCl (mg/L) 0 0 40 130 80 220 120 320 160 400 (a) On the axes provided, graph the data for the 5% NaCl solution. (b) Using the same set of axes, draw and label three additional lines representing the results that you would predict for the 0% NaCl, 1% NaCl, and 10% NaCl solutions. Explain your predictions. (c) Farmlands located near coastal regions are being threatened by encroaching seawater seeping into the soil. In terms of water movement into or out of plant cells, explain why seawater could decrease crop production. Include a discussion of water potential in your answer. END OF EXAMINATION

AP Biology 2002 Exam *** Answers

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 2 Question 1 1. (a) ● Maximum 4 points for this part of the question (1 point earned for each bullet below, up to 4) ( Maximum 3 points, 1 for each bullet ) Describe the use of plasmid for cloning/sequencing a human gene • Cut plasmid with “restriction” enzyme • Cut/isolate human sequence with the corresponding “restriction” enzyme • Mix/anneal/ligate • Introduce recombinant plasmid into bacteria • Select recombinant bacteria (e.g., antibiotic resistance, fluorescence, reporter gene, etc.) • Bacterial reproduction used to amplify the sequence • Describe either degradative (Maxam-Gilbert) or dideoxy (Sanger) method to generate fragments • Electrophoresis to separate fragments • Read the sequence (automated method is OK) ( Maximum 3 points, 1 for each bullet ) Explain the contribution of this procedure • Source of the DNA is immaterial to cloning • Used to produce transgenic organisms • Used to make human proteins (e.g., insulin, HGH) • Understanding gene structure/regulation • Comparative genomics • Development of gene therapies • Making gene library • Amplifying a particular sequence ● Maximum 4 points for this part of the question (1 point earned for each bullet below, up to 4) ( Maximum 3 points, 1 for each bullet ) Describe PCR • Heat to separate strands • Add primers • Cool to anneal • Add polymerase and/or nucleotides • Specification of heat stable (Taq) polymerase • Description of thermocycling process • Repetition of process

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 3 Question 1 (cont’d.) ( Maximum 3 points, 1 for each bullet ) Explain the contribution of this procedure • Allows amplification of very small samples • Replicates/amplifies a defined region • Can be automated to allow for faster expansion of knowledge • Can be used for forensics • Can be used for diagnosis • Evolutionary applications • Other • Maximum 4 points for this part of the question (1 point earned for each bullet below, up to 4) ( Maximum 3 points, 1 for each bullet ) Describe RFLP analysis • DNA sample cut with “restriction” enzyme(s) • Separation of fragments (electrophoresis) • Description/elaboration of electrophoresis (charge/size/apparatus) • Visualize fragments (probes, dyes, blots) • Compare fragment sizes/mobility • Compare single and double digests (two or more restriction enzymes) • Compare individuals/species/organisms/tissue samples ( Maximum 3 points, one for each bullet) Explain the contribution of RFLP analysis • Trace RFLPs as genetic markers in families • Diagnose disease/carriers/prenatal samples • Prepare fingerprints (for forensics, etc.) • Order fragments for physical mapping • Compare genomes of different species/evolutionary relationships • Locate the flanking regions of the gene/sequence • Find mutations • Individual bands can be used for further analysis • Can determine presence of sequence without knowing its function

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 4 Question 1 (cont’d.) 1. (b) Maximum 4 points — Explain the contradiction Sources of difference in DNA fingerprint • Variation in non-coding material (introns, spacers, minisatellites, “junk,” transposable elements) • Point mutations, small deletions, SNPs (single NT polymorphisms) • Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs/STRs) Recognition of differences • A small percentage difference of a very large genome results in a large number of nucleotide differences • PCR-based fingerprinting: differences found by where primers anneal • Variation in restriction enzyme cutting sites Similarities among proteins • Redundancy in the code for amino acids • Neutral/silent mutation does not alter the function of the protein Caution: No explanation points in (a) without an attempted description of procedure Order of procedure points is not important if they are logical and accurate No credit for mutations leading to new phenotypes Codons specify amino acids (not proteins)

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 5 Question 2 2. (a) A maximum of 5 points Description of the cycle of activity (1 point) A student could earn a point if he/she accurately summarized the graph. A simplistic statement such as, “Bombats are active during the day and quiet at night” which ignored the shape and obvious peaks and valleys of the graph did not receive the point. To earn this point, the student had to identify the peak of activity at “noon,” “midday,” or “12:00 p.m.,” AND indicate a lower activity at “night.” The student could also be specific about the lowest activity being at “midnight,” or “12:00 a.m.” The description had to be clearly distinguishable from the rest of the answer and not simply implied in another part of the response. Discussion of how THREE factors might affect the physiology and/or behavior resulting in the cyclic activity pattern (1 point each) To earn points here, each of the descriptions had to (a) be biologically plausible and consistent with typical mammalian behavior and physiology (no fictional biology); (b) indicate a cause and effect relationship beyond a simple restatement of the question. This had to include at least a very brief indication of how or why the factor had any effect at all on the bombat — or in some cases its prey; and finally, the discussion could not be inconsistent with the part of the curve described or time of day referenced in the explanation. Elaboration on any one of the three factors (1 point) Here the readers were looking for exemplary descriptions of physiology and/or behavior that reflected an unusual depth of understanding and clarity of expression. With special regard to temperature, a student who demonstrated an understanding that the activity curve was different from a temperature curve or that mammal physiology, unlike that of ectotherms, is typically insensitive to temperature could earn an elaboration point. 2. (b) A maximum of 7 points Hypothesis (1 point) The student was required to indicate that a CHANGE in the light (intensity, duration, wavelength) causes a CHANGE in the cycle of activity or biorhythm. There also could be a prediction of a change of light having no effect on the cycle of activity. Like the description of the curve above, the hypothesis statement had to be clearly distinguishable from the rest of the answer and not simply implied in another part of the response. The student may have failed to earn this point if the experiment he/she designed below clearly used a different light characteristic (independent variable), and/or produces a different result (dependent variable) from the ones indicated in his/her hypothesis.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 6 Question 2 (cont’d.) Experimental Design (5 points maximum) If the experimental design used a factor other than light for the independent variable, AND it satisfies AT LEAST THREE of the following standards, the answer was still allowed to earn 1 point total for this and the “Description of Results” section combined. 1 point Specified an appropriate control group for comparison. In this control, the environmental conditions had to be very similar to the natural conditions in which you find the bombat population, and not simply placing them into the dark, etc. 1 point Indicated that the independent variable (light) was manipulated. This was usually a change in light intensity or photoperiod. 1 point Held confounding variables constant or indicated that all variables other than the independent variable are held constant. To earn the point for listing the variables being held constant, the student had to list at least two. 1 point Verified results with reasonable sample size (at least two bombats in each group), and/or repeated trials. With repeated trials, the point was not awarded if the same bombat was used over and over. 1 point “Measured,” “recorded,” etc. (using quantitative terminology) bombat activity levels (dependent variable). If the student used the verb “observe,” then some measurement activity had to be specified. 1 point Included a mathematical and/or statistical comparison of control and experimental groups, or of observed and expected results. A specific kind of inferential statistic (chi square, t-test, etc.) did not need to be mentioned. A comparison of slopes of curves on a graph was also acceptable. Description of results (1 point) If the student had earned AT LEAST 3 POINTS in the Experimental Design section above, he/she became eligible for 1 point earned for a graph, data table and/or description of results consistent with the experimental design.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 7 Question 3 Points can be awarded for three categories: Structure/function, Description, and Adaptive value. • 1 point awarded for correct structure linked to its function. Maximum is 6 points with only 1 point given per phylum per process. • 1 point awarded for elaborate description of the structure if the relate\ d structure/function is correct and appropriate. This cannot be a single word. Maximum is 3 points. • 1 point awarded for adaptive value linked to structure. This value should clearly establish a selective advantage. Maximum is 3 points. 1 point maximum may be awarded for natural selection being used throughout all phyla but it must still be coupled to a correct structure. Process I Process II Elaborate Adaptive Value Description (I or II) ( 3 points maximum) ( 3 points maximum) Cnidaria 1 point Structure + Function 1 point Structure + Function Annelida 1 point Structure + Function 1 point Structure + Function Chordata 1 point Structure + Function 1 point Structure + Function 1 point (only with 1 point proper structure 1 point + function link) 1 point (only when 1 point linked with 1 point proper structure) TRANSPORT OF MATERIALS (has to be a mover of nutrients, oxygen, wastes, hormones, gametes, chemicals) Cnidarians Structure Function Description Adaptive Value (tied to structure) Molecular level Amebocytes/ gastrodermal cell GVC Circulatory canal Cilia Undergo phagocytosis Circulates water and nutrients Connects all branches of canals, circulates gametes Keeps fluids moving Mobile cells found in mesoglea Fluid-filled/extends into tentacle/hollow cavity/ digestive sac with one opening Tiny hairs Nutrient transport to body surface * Importance of material transport * Maintain optimal concentration gradients, permits for larger body size and complexity * This represents an answer that can be connected to any structure(s) option.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 8 Question 3 (cont’d) Annelids Structure Function Description Adaptive Value (tied to structure) Molecular level Membranes – nephridia, typhlosole, capillary System level – (mover must be named) circulatory digestive reproductive respiratory* not to include same examples as in gas exchange Method of transport needs to be specific (diffusion/ facilitated/active) Tissue or organ must have function related to material being transported Examples: aortic arch/pseudoheart, muscular activity, muscular contraction Semi-permeable, transport proteins, elaborate description of structure Tissue or organ must be described to show how structure relates to function. Example, dorsal, ventral, segmental, conducting tubes, muscular, five pairs * Importance of material transport * Maintain optimal concentration gradients, permits for larger body size and complexity Chordates Structure Function Description Adaptive Value (tied to structure) Molecular level Membranes – nephron, villi, capillary System level- (mover must be named) circulatory digestive reproductive respiratory* not to include same examples as in gas exchange lymphatic excretory Method of transport needs to be specific (diffusion/ facilitated/active) Tissue or organ must have function related to material being transported Examples: pumping heart, peristalsis by muscular activity, diaphragm contracting, gular movement in frogs, uterine contractions, muscle contraction Semi-permeable, transport proteins, elaborate description of structure Tissue or organ must be described to demonstrate how structure relates to function. * Importance of material transport * Maintain optimal concentration gradients, permits for larger body size and complexity * This represents an answer that can be connected to any structure(s) option.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 9 Question 3 (cont’d) RESPONSE TO STIMULI (detection, transmission, and/or effector) Two of these must be present. Cnidarians Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Receptor Nerve net/ ring Contractile fiber/cell Nematocyte Cnidocyte Cnidoblast Nematocyst Stinging cell stinging tentacle Detects stimulus and transmits Detects stimulus and transmits or transmits + responds Tentacle movement /body contraction Stings prey/toxic or poisonous, defense Must demonstrate how structure relates to function Radial symmetry allows for multidirectional response/coordinated response *Prey capture and defense Annelids Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Sensory receptor Special segments Ganglia/brain Nerve cord Effector organ/ structure (gland, muscle, setae, reproductive) Detects stimulus and transmits Integration/ transmission Integration/ transmission Segmental control Contraction/ movement/secretion Photo, tactile, chemo Cephalized, anterior, or paired bundles of nerves Rudimentary/primitive Ventral or paired bundles of nerves/segmented nerves Proper description *More complex behavior *Directed response Complex locomotion

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 10 Question 3 (cont’d) Chordates Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Sensory receptor Spinal/nerve cord Brain Effectors Detects stimulus and transmits Integration/ transmission Integration/ transmission Contraction, movement, secretion Photo, chemo, auditory, equilibrium, touch, tactile, olfactory Dorsal/hollow Specialized regions/complex Proper description *Improved homeostasis *More complex behavior *Directed response GAS EXCHANGE (diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide) Cnidarians Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Body wall/outer epithelium/ epidermis or gastrovascular cavity (GVC) Diffusion of O 2and CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] 2 layers thick Fluid-filled, continuous with outside water *Increased surface area *Increased rate of exchange Annelids Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Skin/integ- ument/epidermis /epithelium Parapodia Gills Hemoglobin/ other respiratory pigment Diffusion of O 2 and CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] Diffusion of O 2 and CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] Diffusion of O 2 and CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] Carries oxygen/ carbon dioxide Moist, thin, vascularized — ( MUST HAVE TWO) Must demonstrate understanding of how structure relates to function Must demonstrate understanding of how structure relates to function Respiratory pigment/ transport protein *Increased surface area *Increased oxygen/ carbon dioxide exchange efficiency/rate of exchange * This represents an answer that can be connected to any structure(s) option.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 11 Question 3 (cont’d) Chordates Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Gills/ lamellae Modified swim bladder Skin (amphibian) Lung/alveoli Avian supple- mental air sacs Hemoglobin/ RBC Diffusion of O 2+CO 2 / moving toward [↓ ] Countercurrent exchange Diffusion of O 2+ CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] Diffusion of O 2+CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] Diffusion of O 2+CO 2 / moving toward [ ↓ ] Diffusion/ moving toward [ ↓ ] Carries oxygen/ carbon dioxide Must demonstrate understanding of how structure relates to function (example, sheet-like, flat, vascularized ) Examples: sac pouch connected to pharynx Examples: moist and vascularized Examples: compartmentalized lung/ vascularized alveoli/ alveolar sacs/ membranous sac Respiratory pigment/ transport protein *Increased surface area *Internalization to avoid dehydration/ damage *Increased oxygen/ carbon dioxide exchange efficiency/ rate of exchange * This represents an answer that can be connected to any structure(s) option.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 12 Question 3 (cont’d) LOCOMOTION (move organism from point A to point B) Cnidarians Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Hydrostatic skeleton with contractile fibers (muscles) GVC Contractile fibers/muscle Cilia on larvae (planulae) Contractile fibers/ muscle acting on hydrostatic skeleton to move organism Contractile fibers/ muscle acting on hydrostatic skeleton to move organism Tumbling, somer- saulting, looping, floating (with explanation) Swimming Concept of hydrostatic Fluid-filled cavity Tiny hair-like *Expands food gathering options, avoidance, promotes gene flow Dispersion Annelids Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Hydrostatic skeletal/coelom with muscles OR muscles + fluid- filled cavity Skin Suckers Setae, Parapodia, lateral flaps Cilia on larva (trochophore) Contractions allow for shortening/ lengthening of body Directed movement Mucous aids in movement Anchoring Pushing, burrowing, anchoring, acting against resistance Swimming Concept of hydrostatic Longitudinal, circular, segmental Mucous used as a lubricant Bristles, flap-like, paddle- like Tiny hair-like *Oriented response *Food gathering, improved mobility Dispersion, predator avoidance * This represents an answer that can be connected to any structure(s) option.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 13 Question 3 (cont’d) Chordates Structure Function Description Adaptive Value Skeleton and muscles Movement associated with muscle contraction Muscles attached to bone/endoskeleton, cartilage *Efficient, predator/prey interaction, food gathering *Promotes gene flow, sexual selection, habitat selection * This represents an answer that can be connected to any structure(s) option.

AP ® BIOLOGY 2002 SCORING GUIDELINES Copyright © 2002 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. 14 Question 4 4. (a) 3 points maximum 1 point correct orientation with dependent variable (concentration) on y (vertical) axis and independent variable (time) on x (horizontal) axis 1 point correct axes labels with units and scaling for 5% line on axes provided 1 point correct plotting of all data points including zero (0,0); line is not necessary but if drawn must not extend beyond last data point; dashing line beyond last data point is okay; arrow at end of line is okay 4. (b) 4 points maximum 1 point correct prediction and legend (or label) for 0%, 1%, and 10% lines (0% line flat, 1% line below 5% line, 10% line above 5% line) Explanation points 1 point correct explanation for 0% line (e.g., since there is no NaCl in the bag no Na +Cl - can diffuse into the water in the beaker) 1 point correct explanation for 1% line — must include a discussion of rate; connects concentration of NaCl with diffusion rate 1 point correct explanation for 10% line — must include a discussion of rate; connects concentration of NaCl with diffusion rate or 1 point general explanation that solute concentration affects the rate of diffusi\ on; answers that attempt to explain the 0%, 1% or 10 % NaCl lines are not eligible to receive this point 4. (c) 4 points maximum 1 point statement that water will leave the plant and description of effect this has on plant cell (e.g., loss of turgor, plasmolysis, decrease in cell volume, decrease in central vacuole volume) 1 point concept of osmosis (e.g., movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane (cell or cell membrane) from solution with lower solute concentration (hypotonic) to solution with higher solute concentration (hypertonic) 1 point explanation that water moves from solution with higher (more positive/less negative) water potential ( ψ) to solution with lower (more negative) water potential ( ψ) 1 point explanation of how water loss can cause decreased crop production (e.g., stomates close, transpiration stops, photosynthesis stops, decreased metabolism)