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English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions First name Middle name Last name 2022 national curriculum tests Key stage 1 Total marks

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Page 3 of 14 Tick the sentence b\relow that is punct\ruated correctly. Tick one. The ball rolled across the playground             1 markG006034 a KS1 item template version 2 G006034 – 10 January 2019 10:25 AM – Version 1 Look at where the arrow is pointing. What a delicious c\ ake we ate! What is the punctua\ction mark called? G003120 b G003120 – 10 January 2019 10:28 AM – Version 5 Practice questions

Page 4 of 14 1 Which sentence can\? be completed with\? the word or?   Tick one. We will go later \b\b \   \      \b    \   1 mark KS1 item template version 2 G006179 – 10 January 2019 10:36 AM – Version 1 Which sentence is \oa command? Tick one. The weather is sun\ony today.  \  \b   \     \   1 mark 2 KS1 item template version 2 G005123 – 10 January 2019 10:40 AM – Version 1

Page 5 of 14 Add a suffix to make the wo\.rd safe an adverb. Josie and her mum \ crossed the road safe  3 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 G005091 – 10 January 2019 10:45 AM – Version 1 4 Circle one full stop that can be replaced with the w\.ord because. I want to be a vet. I like animals. Mr Sm\Sith says it is hard work. Mum thinks \Sthat I will en\bo\Sy the \bob. 1 mark KS1 item template version 2 G006067 – 10 January 2019 10:52 AM – Version 1

Page 6 of 14 What type of word are Vaz and Harry talkin\kg about below\b Tick one. an adjective     1 mark 5 Va z It can be someone’s name. Harry It can be the name\ of a place. KS1 item template version 2 G005060 – 10 January 2019 10:58 AM – Version 1

Page 7 of 14 6 Add an exclamation mark or a question mark to complete each sent\ ence below. Football is great fun     \          1 mark KS1 item template version 2 G006054 – 10 January 2019 11:02 AM – Version 1 Tick two suffixes that can be \radded to the word small to make two different words.   Tick two. ful    1 mark 7 KS1 item template version 2 G005232 – 10 January 2019 11:08 AM – Version 1

Page 8 of 14 Circle the two adjectives in the sentence\. below. The seed grows small roots, followed by a strong stem. 1 mark 9 G004817 – 10 January 2019 11:19 AM – Version 2 The underlined verb is in the wrong tense. Write the verb in the correct tense in the bo\Wx below. After the children made their mode\pls, they paint them\p. 1 mark 8 KS1 item template version 2 G005184 – 10 January 2019 11:14 AM – Version 1

Page 9 of 14 Write the words I will as one w\.ord, using an apostrophe. 1 mark 10 G004881 – 10 January 2019 11:39 AM – Version 1 Circle the verb that is writte\ n in the past tense. Ben learnt that \u some whales can\u hold their breath for two hours. 1 mark 11 G004155 – 10 January 2019 11:44 AM – Version 3

Page 10 of 14 Draw a line to match\j each word to a suffix to make a different word. Word Suffix enjoy es bunch est ho\be ment slow ful 1 mark 13 KS1 item template version 2 G005237 – 11 January 2019 8:14 AM – Version 1 Which sentence use\.s a comma correctly? Tick one. Bring a pencil a ru\.ler and\b a book to \.school.   \ \b \   \b \  \    \b\  \  1 mark 12 KS1 item template version 1 G004198 – 10 January 2019 11:48 AM – Version 2 NFER Unique ID: SA G6 C IN LIST 1

Page 11 of 14 Add a full stop and a capital letter to mark the two sentences below. It is very cloudy it might rain later on today. 14 1 mark KS1 item template version 1 G003322 – 11 January 2019 8:21 AM – Version 4 Which word should have an apostrophe? Tick one. The boys parents were checking his home\mwork. 1 mark 15 KS1 item template version 2 G005226 – 11 January 2019 8:25 AM – Version 1

Page 12 of 14 Ava made a robot. Write a question you could ask Ava about the robot. Remember to use cor\srect pu\bctuatio\b. 17 2 marks KS1 item template version 2.2 G006593 – 14 January 2019 3:55 PM – Version 1 G004987 – 11 January 2019 8:28 AM – Version 1 Circle the verb in the sentence b\ elow. Hiba took some \.pictures for her project. 1 mark 16

Page 13 of 14 Circle the two nouns in the sent\ ence below. My favourite place to \h sit is under t\hhe old tree. 1 mark 18 G004895 – 11 January 2019 9:07 AM – Version 1 G004052 – 11 January 2019 9:10 AM – Version 2 Circle all the words that need a capital letter in the sentence below. my cousin mary \dis meeting us a\dt the park for a picnic on saturday. 1 mark 19 End of test

2022 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: questions Electronic PDF version product code: STA/22/8405/e ISBN: 978-1-78957-274-2 For more copies Printed copies of this booklet are not available. It can be downloaded from during May 2022, or afterwards from © Crown copyright 2022 Re-use of Crown copyright in test materials Subject to the exceptions listed below, the test materials on this website are Crown copyright and you may re-use them (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 which can be found on the National Archives website and accessed via the following link: When you use this information under the Open Government Licence v3.0, you should include the following attribution: ‘Co\ ntains material developed by the Standards and Testing Agency for 2022 national curriculum assessments and licensed under Open Government Licence v3.0’ and where possible provide a link to the licence. Exceptions – third-party copyright content in test materials You must obtain permission from the relevant copyright owners, as listed in the ‘2022 key stage 1 tests copyright report’, for re-use of any third-party copyright content which we have identied in the test materia\ ls, as listed below. Alternatively, you should remove the unlicensed third-party copyright content and/or replace it with appropriately licensed material. Third-party content These materials contain no third-party copyright content. If you have any queries regarding these test materials, contact the national curriculum assessments h\ elpline on 0300 303 3013 or email