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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge primary checkpoint past exam paper Science 0846/02/O/N/19 October/November 2019 questions paper 2 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

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This document consists of 22 printed pages and 2 blank pages. IB19 10_0846_02/3RP © UCLES 2019 [Turn over   Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge Primary Checkpoint SCIENCE 0846/02 Paper 2 October 2019 45 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Pen Calculator Pencil Ruler READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page. Write in dark blue or black pen. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. You should show all your working in the booklet. The total number of marks for this paper is 50.

2 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 1 (a) Chen writes some sentences about forces. Only one sentence is correct. Tick () the correct sentence. Force is also called mass. Force is measured in kg. Force is measured in m. Forces do not stop objects moving. Forces have direction. [1] (b) Chen goes skateboarding. wheels ground There is friction between the ground and the wheels. Describe how he can increase the friction between the ground and the wheels. [1]

3 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 2 Electrical cables contain wires. AB C (a) A and B are made of plastic. Why are they made of plastic? [1] (b) C is a wire. Write down the name of the material used to make C. [1]

4 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 3 Here are some properties of four substances. substance Does it rust? Does it dissolve in water? Is it poisonous? Is it strong? A yes no no yes B no no yes yes C no no no yes D no yes no no (a) Buckets are used to carry water. Which material could not be used to make a bucket? Choose from A, B, C or D. Explain your answer. [2] (b) Substance A is used to make cars. Explain why. Use information from the table. [1]

5 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 4 A mirror ball is shiny. It is made of many small mirrors. Complete the sentences. Light hits the surface of the mirror ball. The light is then · The light changes · We see the light because it enters our · [3]

6 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 5 Some animals have internal skeletons. Some animals do not have internal skeletons. Look at the pictures of different animals. fish bat snake locust wormsnail Complete the table to sort them into groups. One has been done for you. have an internal skeleton do not have an internal skeleton locust [2]

7 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 6 Pierre is sorting metals in a recycling yard. He is using a magnet to help him. Which objects will be attracted towards the magnet? Circle the correct answers. brass button copper tube gold ring iron bath lead pipe silver coin steel wire zinc foil [2]

8 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 7 Some plants have flowers. (a) Look at the picture of the flower. The flower has male parts and female parts. Label a male part of the flower with the letter M. Label a female part of the flower with the letter F. [2] (b) Complete the sentences. The male organ of the flower is called . The female organ of the flower is called . [2]

9 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 8 The table shows the properties of some substances. substance state at room temperature colour soluble in water chalk solid white no copper sulfate solid blue yes gasoline liquid colourless no iron sulfate solid green yes magnesium sulfate solid white yes (a) Which substances are insoluble in water? [1] (b) Lily wants to separate a mixture of copper sulfate and iron sulfate. She adds water to the mixture and stirs it thoroughly. She then filters this mixture. Explain why this mixture is not separated. [1] (c) Lily mixes gasoline and water. Suggest what she sees. [1]

10 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 9 Mia and Safia are carrying out an investigation. They use a mass attached to string. mass Miastring Safia distance Before Mia starts the investigation she says ‘If I pull the mass further towards me it will take a longer time to swing to Safia.’ (a) What type of statement is this? Circle the correct answer. conclusion data evidence prediction results [1]

11 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over (b) What measuring apparatus will they need to test this? Tick () the correct two answers. forcemeter measuring cylinder ruler 1 2 balance stop clock thermometer 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 [2] (c) Mia and Safia want the investigation to be a fair test. Write down one factor they keep the same. [1]

12 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 10 A key is used to identify different butterflies. Use the key to find out the name of butterfly A and the name of butterfly B. AB 1. Is the butterfly one colour? Yes go to question 2 No go to question 3 2. Is the butterfly small and white? Yes Cabbage white No Blue morpho 3. Do the wings have dark lines on them and have white areas on the top wings? Yes Monarch butterfly No go to question 4 4. Are the bottom wings smooth along the edge? Yes Indian leaf butterfly No Swallowtail butterfly Butterfly A is . Butterfly B is . [2]

13 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 11 Jamila dissolves salt in water to make salt water. (a) The water in Jamila’s experiment is a solvent. What is the meaning of the word solvent? [1] (b) Salt is a soluble substance. What is the meaning of the word soluble? [1] (c) Salt water is an example of a solution. What is the meaning of the word solution? [1]

14 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 12 Chen finds information about different planets. He writes down the time it takes for each planet to spin once. planet time in Earth hours A 24 B 10 C 25 D 1408 E 5832 (a) Which planet takes the least number of hours to spin once? [1] (b) One of the planets is Earth. Which planet is Earth? Circle the correct answer. A B C D E [1] (c) How many planets take longer to spin once than planet C? Circle the correct answer. 0 1 2 3 4 5 [1]

15 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over (d) Look at the picture of the Earth. X Y Part of the Earth is labelled X. Part of the Earth is labelled Y. Describe what it is like at part X and Y. At X it is . At Y it is . [1]

16 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 13 The picture shows a poppy plant. seeds (a) The picture shows seeds being dispersed. What type of seed dispersal does the poppy plant use? Circle one correct answer. animal dispersal by eating animal dispersal by hooking onto fur self-dispersal by explosion water dispersal [1] (b) The seed is dry. This helps it to be dispersed. Write down one other property of the seed that helps it to be dispersed. [1]

17 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 14 Oliver makes a table of the body temperature of living animals. animal body temperature in C baboon 38.0 chicken 40.0 human 37.0 mouse 36.5 whale 36.0 Oliver says ‘The biggest animals have the highest body temperature.’ He is not correct. Use the information in the table to explain why he is not correct. [2]

18 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 15 Safia investigates friction. She lets a car roll down a slope. She measures the time it takes for the car to reach the floor. car books slope floor Safia changes the material on the slope. Here are her results. material time in seconds plastic 2.2 wood 3.1 paper 3.0 card 2.9 wool 3.7 Complete the sentences about her results. The material that made the car move the slowest is . This is because this material . [2]

19 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over 16 This is a question about food chains. (a) Complete the sentences. Food chains start with . The energy for food chains comes from . [2] (b) Look at the information.  foxes eat rabbits  rabbits eat lettuce  wolves eat foxes Write a food chain using the information. [2]

20 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 17 Jamila lives near to the sea. She collects some sea water and measures the volume of the sea water.  Jamila pours the sea water into a dish.  She leaves the dish in the Sun until the dish only contains a white solid.  She measures the mass of the white solid.  Jamila repeats the experiment using different volumes of sea water. (a) Which piece of equipment does Jamila use to measure the mass of the white solid? [1] (b) A white solid appears after leaving the dish of sea water in the Sun. Explain why. [2]

21 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 [Turn over (c) Here is a graph of Jamila’s results. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 4 6 mass of white solid in g volume of sea water in cm 3 8 10 12 What is the mass of white solid in 25 cm 3 of sea water? g[1]

22 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/O/N/19 18 Mike makes a bell using a pot and a mallet. pot mallet He hits the pot with the mallet. The bell makes a quiet sound. (a) Describe one way he can increase the volume of sound made by the bell. [1] (b) Mike wants to measure the volume of the sound. Which instrument measures the volume of sound? Circle the correct answer. loud level meter musical level meter pitch level meter sound level meter volume level meter [1]

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