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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge primary checkpoint past exam paper Science 0846/02/A/M/19 April/May 2019 questions paper 2 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

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This document consists of 23 printed pages and 1 blank page. IB19 05_0846_02/4RP © UCLES 2019 [Turn over   Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge Primary Checkpoint SCIENCE 0846/02 Paper 2 April 2019 45 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Pen Calculator Pencil Ruler READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page. Write in dark blue or black pen. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. You should show all your working in the booklet. The total number of marks for this paper is 50.

2 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 1 Living things can be sorted into groups. AB C DE F (a) Put the living things into groups. Three have been done for you. group 1 group 2 A F D [1] (b) Which feature is being used to sort the living things into these groups? [1]

3 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over 2 Look at the picture of a swan floating on water. waterswan Which word describes why it looks like there are two swans in the picture? Circle the correct answer. intensity opaque reflection shadow transparent [1] 3 Humans do good things and bad things to the environment. Tick () one bad thing humans do to the environment. cause loss of species plant forests protect habitats reduce waste stop people killing animals [1]

4 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 4 Carlos has a mixture of sand, salt and water. He wants to separate the mixture. Here is some of the apparatus that Carlos uses. apparatus Afilter funnel apparatus B (a) What is the name of apparatus A? [1] (b) What is the name of apparatus B? [1] (c) Explain how you separate the mixture of sand, salt and water. [3]

5 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over 5 The Earth spins on its axis. axis (a) How many times does the Earth spin on its axis in 24 days? Circle the correct answer. 1 12 24 48 365 [1] (b) What do the arrows on the diagram show? [1] 6 Cups for hot drinks are often made from foam plastic. One reason why foam plastic is used is because it does not dissolve. Write two other reasons why foam plastic is used to make a cup for hot drinks. 1 2 [2]

6 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 7 Look at the information about the length of intestines in different animals. animallength of intestines in m A 30.0 B 57.1 C 4.8 D 32.7 E 24.9 (a) Where are the intestines? Circle the correct answer. in the abdomen in the chest in the head in the legs in the stomach [1] (b) Which animal do you predict is the smallest? Complete the sentences. I predict that animal is the smallest. I predict this because . [1]

7 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over (c) Which apparatus measures the length of the intestines of animal B? Circle the correct answer. 12345678910 cm 0 5 012 mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 cm 3 60 m [1]

8 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 8 Blessy investigates some colourless liquids. She boils the liquids for 15 minutes. Look at her results. liquid temperature of boiling liquid in C other observations A 107 liquid completely disappears B 104 liquid disappears and leaves behind a white solid C 100 liquid completely disappears D 65 liquid completely disappears E 160 liquid completely disappears (a) What is the name of the apparatus Blessy uses to measure the temperature? [1] (b) Blessy must be careful doing the experiment since the liquids may be flammable. Explain why Blessy must be careful. [1] (c) Describe what happens to a liquid when it boils. [1] (d) One of the liquids is pure water. Which one? Explain your answer. [1]

9 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over (e) One of the liquids is a solution. Which one? Explain your answer. [1] 9 Lily investigates seed dispersal. funnel seeds tube Lily Lily puts seeds in the funnel. She blows through the tube. (a) Which type of seed dispersal is she investigating? [1] (b) Lily repeats the investigation with different seeds. Describe two things she keeps the same to make it a fair test. 1 2 [2]

10 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 10 (a) Draw a line from the measurement to the correct unit. You can draw a line to each unit once, more than once, or not at all. measurement unit kilogram force kilometre mass litre weight newton [2] (b) This piece of apparatus is being used to measure a force. What is the name of this piece of apparatus? [1]

11 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over (c) This ball is moving across the grass. direction of movement [1] Label the arrow with the name of the force slowing the ball’s movement.

12 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 11 The diagram shows some of the stages in the life cycle of a plant. flower on adult plant A B C Draw a line to match each label with the description it shows. label description fertilisation A germination B growth pollination C seed dispersal [2]

13 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over 12 Rajiv has two magnets.  he sticks one magnet to his toy car  he holds the other magnet  the toy car moves Rajiv N S S magnets toy car The arrow shows the direction the car moves. (a) What happens between the two magnets? Circle the correct answer. a force of attraction a force of repulsion a negative force a positive force there is no force [1] (b) Rajiv wants to make the toy car move in the opposite direction. Describe what Rajiv does to the magnet in his hand. [1]

14 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 13 Oliver wants to know what different organisms are called. He uses these questions. Does it have six legs? Does it have antennae? Does it have large legs for hopping?yes no yes no yes no grasshopper antspider Complete the sentence. Oliver finds out what animals are called by using this identification ……………… . Circle the correct answer. chart key table graph results [1]

15 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over 14 Sound travels through some materials faster than others. The table shows the speed of sound in different materials. (a) What is the difference between the speed of sound in material C and material D? Circle the correct answer. 1199 1201 1211 1219 1910 [1] (b) Sound travels slower through gases than solids or liquids. Material B is a liquid. Which material in the table is air? Circle the correct answer. A C D E [1] (c) Describe what happens to air particles when sound travels through air. [1] material speed of sound in m / s A 330 B 984 C 5890 D 4689 E 1479

16 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 15 The picture shows the position of the heart in the body. heart ribs (a) What is the function of the heart? [1] (b) The heart is made of muscle. What are the ribs made of? [1] (c) The ribs protect the heart. Write down the name of one other organ protected by the ribs. [1]

17 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over 16 Look at this electrical circuit. Why does this electrical circuit not work? Tick () one box. the lamp is on the wrong side of the switch the switch is open there is no cell the circuit is not complete [1]

18 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 17 Rajiv investigates the solubility of some substances using the internet. (a) He finds a line graph about the solubility of salt. solubility of salt temperature Rajiv makes a conclusion. Complete his conclusion. As the temperature the solubility of salt . [1]

19 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over (b) He finds a line graph about the solubility of oxygen. solubility of oxygen temperature Rajiv makes a conclusion. Complete his conclusion. As the temperature the solubility of oxygen . [1]

20 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 18 Priya and Carlos investigate sound. They put a clock with bells in a glass jar. bells glass jar clock They listen to the sound made by the bells. (a) What apparatus do they use to measure the volume of sound? [1] (b) Carlos measures the volume of sound. Priya says ‘We must measure the volume of sound more than once.’ Explain why they must measure the volume of sound more than once. [1]

21 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 [Turn over (c) Carlos writes down the results. volume in decibels 62 61 62 68 61 Describe two things about the results. 1 2 [2]

22 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 19 The ball has mass and weight. (a) Circle the correct statement about the mass of the ball. the mass is 0.45 cm 2 the mass is 0.45 kg the mass is 0.45 m the mass is 4.5 N the mass is 4.5 s [1] (b) Circle the correct statement about the weight of the ball. the weight is 0.45 cm 2 the weight is 0.45 kg the weight is 0.45 m the weight is 4.5 N the weight is 4.5 s [1]

23 © UCLES 2019 0846/02/A/M/19 20 Each of the following words is connected with dissolving. Draw a line between the word and its correct meaning. word meaning solute a mixture of a dissolved solid and a liquid solution the liquid that dissolves a solid solvent the solid that dissolves in a liquid [2]

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