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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge primary checkpoint past exam paper Science 0846/01/A/M/19 April/May 2019 questions paper 1 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

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This document consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank page. IB19 05_0846_01/3RP © UCLES 2019 [Turn over   Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge Primary Checkpoint SCIENCE 0846/01 Paper 1 April 2019 45 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Pen Calculator Pencil Ruler READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page. Write in dark blue or black pen. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. You should show all your working in the booklet. The total number of marks for this paper is 50.

2 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 1 Complete the sentences about human senses. One has been done for you. I feel with my skin . I hear with my . I see with my . I smell with my . I taste with my . [1] 2 Ice melts into liquid water. (a) The melting of ice is a reversible process. Explain why. [1] (b) Complete the sentences. The melting point of ice is oC. The boiling point of water is oC. [2]

3 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 3 Air resistance is a force. It slows down moving objects. Skaters want to move fast. skater smooth helmet Skaters reduce air resistance by wearing smooth helmets. Write down two other ways skaters reduce air resistance. 1 Skaters reduce air resistance by . 2 Skaters reduce air resistance by . [2]

4 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 4 Here is an outline of a human. area A area B area C area D (a) Which organ has a position in area B? Circle the correct answer. brain intestines liver lung stomach [1] (b) Which organ has a position in area D? Circle the correct answer. brain intestines liver lung stomach [1] (c) In which area would you find the heart? Circle the correct answer. A B C D [1]

5 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 5 Yuri hits the tuning fork to make a sound. He puts the tuning fork on water. tuning fork pattern on the water Explain why there is a pattern on the water. [2] 6 Humans and elephants have bony skeletons. human trunk of elephant elephant skeleton skeleton The trunk of the elephant does not have a bony skeleton. Explain why. [2]

6 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 7 Chen collects information about recycling in different schools. 0 2 4 mass of material recycled in kg6 8 10 school A school B school C school D school E (a) Write down the mass of material recycled by school B. kg [1] (b) School D recycles 1kg less than School A. Draw the bar for school D on the bar chart. [1] (c) Chen makes a conclusion. He says ‘School C recycles the most. I think this is because school C is the biggest school with the most children.’ Suggest one other reason why school C recycles the most. [1]

7 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 8 The table below shows some properties of six materials. material hardness (1 = soft and 10 = hard) melting point (1 = low and 10 = high) soluble in water strength (1 = weak and 10 = strong) A 9 10 yes 9 B 4 10 no 1 C 5 9 no 10 D 10 10 no 10 E 4 4 no 6 F 9 9 no 9 (a) Material E has a low melting point. What is the meaning of the words melting point? [2] (b) A cutting tool needs to be very hard, have a high melting point and be very strong. Which material is the best to make a cutting tool? Circle the correct answer. A B C D E F [1]

8 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 9 Safia is investigating seed germination.  she has four dishes  she adds some seeds to each dish Look at the dishes in the pictures. B seeds in a dark cupboard with waterwater A seeds with light and water C seeds with light and no water D seeds in a dark cupboard with no water water (a) In which dishes will she find germinated seeds after 2 days? Circle the correct answer. A and B A and C B and D C and D [1] (b) What else do seeds need to germinate? [1]

9 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 10 Blessy’s head makes a shadow on a screen. Blessy’s headshadow screen (a) Complete the sentences to explain why there is a shadow on the screen. A shadow is made because Blessy’s head the light. Blessy’s head makes a shadow because it is made of material. [2] (b) Blessy moves towards the light source. What happens to the size of the shadow of Blessy’s head? [1]

10 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 11 Sea water contains many substances dissolved in water. One of these substances is salt. Look at the chart describing how clean drinking water is made from sea water. salt and other solids process Aprocess B sea watersteam clean drinking water (a) What is the name of process A? [1] (b) What is the name of process B? [1] (c) Sea water cannot be filtered to remove salt to make clean drinking water. Explain why. [1]

11 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 12 Carlos draws a food chain. baboonleopard grass locust scorpion impala The food chain is wrong. (a) Circle the part of the food chain that is wrong. [1] (b) The grass is a producer. Explain why. [1] (c) The baboon is a predator. Explain why. [1]

12 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 13 Jamila learns about the Earth and the Sun. She draws a picture. EastSun at midday sky Earth Sun in the morning West (a) Describe what the picture shows about the Earth and the Sun. [2] (b) Jamila says the Sun is not moving. The Sun appears to move. Explain why the Sun appears to move. [1]

13 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 14 Look at the diagram of a fizzy drinks container. carbon dioxide aluminium water, sugar and flavouring (a) Which material shown in the diagram is a gas? [1] (b) Aluminium is used to make the fizzy drinks container because of its properties. One of these properties is that it does not corrode. Write down two other properties. 1 2 [2]

14 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 15 Safia investigates forces. She puts books on four egg shells. books egg shells Safia adds books until the egg shells break. She records the number of books needed to break the egg shells. She repeats the investigation. Each time she uses new egg shells. Here are her results. investigation number number of books to break the egg shells 1 5 2 5 3 6 4 2 5 6 (a) Safia thinks one of her investigations is not correct. Which investigation does she think is not correct? Explain why. Investigation number Explanation [1] (b) Safia’s investigation is not a fair test. Describe why it is not a fair test. [1]

15 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 16 Mia investigates electrical conductors. She puts different materials in an electrical circuit. material cell lamp (a) The symbol for the cell is Draw the symbol for the lamp. [1] (b) Some materials are good conductors of electricity. What happens to the lamp if the material is a good conductor of electricity? [1] (c) Which material is a good conductor of electricity? Circle the correct answer. paper plastic rubber silver wood [1]

16 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 17 Yuri investigates the evaporation of water. In his first experiment Yuri  puts 50 cm 3 of water into a glass beaker  puts the glass beaker into an oven for 24 hours  measures the volume of water left in the beaker. Yuri does this experiment at different temperatures. Yuri predicts ‘As the temperature of the oven increases the volume of water left in the beaker decreases.’ (a) Here are Yuri’s results. Complete the table. temperature in C volume of water in beaker at start in cm 3 volume of water left in beaker in cm 3 volume of water evaporated in cm 3 30 50 45 40 50 40 50 50 30 60 50 10 70 50 0 [1] (b) Do the results support Yuri’s prediction? Use the results from the table to explain your answer. [1]

17 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 [Turn over 18 Mia has two plants. She  removes all the leaves from one of the plants  gives both plants water  gives both plants light  puts both plants in the same classroom for 5 days. Mia draws the result. AB flowers leaves (a) Plant B has no leaves. Describe one other difference between plant A and plant B. [1] (b) Why does the plant need leaves? [1]

18 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 19 People on an island make lots of rubbish. The rubbish contains food waste, glass, metals, paper and plastic. (a) The people on the island must remove all of this rubbish. Write down one problem that happens if the rubbish is not removed. [1] (b) One way to remove the rubbish is to use recycling. Explain how a magnet can be used to remove some metals from the rubbish. [1] (c) Some of the rubbish is burnt. This makes smoke and gases. Suggest how burning rubbish can have a negative effect on the environment. [1]

19 © UCLES 2019 0846/01/A/M/19 20 The table shows the properties of some substances. substance state at room temperature colour soluble in water chalk solid white no copper sulfate solid blue yes gasoline liquid colourless no iron sulfate solid green yes magnesium sulfate solid white yes (a) Which substances are insoluble in water? [1] (b) Rajiv mixes gasoline and water. Suggest what he would see. [1]

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