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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge primary checkpoint past exam paper Science 0846/01/O/N/19 October/November 2019 mark schemes paper 1 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

[PDF] October 2019 CAIE P1 Mark Schemes 0846 Science Cambridge Primary Checkpoint.pdf | Plain Text

This document consists of 12 printed pages. IB19 10_0846_01/3RP © UCLES 2019 [Turn over Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge Primary Checkpoint SCIENCE 0846/01 Paper 1 October 2019 MARK SCHEME Maximum Mark: 50 Published This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 2 of 12 Annotations and abbreviations / OR alternate responses for the same marking point ( ) the words or units in brackets do not need to be stated Accept an acceptable response Do not accept indicates an incorrect response that would contradict another otherwise correct alternative Ignore indicates an irrelevant answer that is not creditworthy, however, full marks can still be achieved even with the answers that are ignored ecf error carried forward, marks are awarded if an incorrect response has been carried forward from earlier working, provided the subsequent working is correct ora or reverse argument Note provides extra information when necessary

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 3 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 2 copper glass iron paper plastic sand wood 2each correct answer = 1 mark if three circled, two correct = 1 mark if three circled, one correct = 0 marks if four or more circled = 0 marks Question Answer Marks Further Information 1 dispersing the flower germinating the flower making seeds for the flower pollinating the flower 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 4 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 3 material solid liquid gas air  gasoline  iron  plastic  rubber  2all correct = 2 marks three or four correct = 1 mark Do not accept material if it has more than one state ticked Question Answer Marks Further Information 4 1. orbit 2. 365 (days) 3. spinning / spin / turning / turn / rotating / rotation / revolving / revolution 2Ignore rotation Accept 1 year / 365.25 or 365 ¼ / 366 Do not accept orbit three correct = 2 marks two correct = 1 mark one correct = 0 marks

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 5 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 5(a) turns into steam / turns into a gas / turns into a vapour 1Accept it evaporates / stays at the same temperature / stays at 100 °C 5(b) steam or (water) vapour or evaporated water or gas can be changed back (into water) 1Accept boiling water can be evaporated and then condensed (into water) 5(c) (idea that) you cannot un-cook a potato / it cannot become raw potato again 1Accept cannot get back (to its original form/state) Question Answer Marks Further Information 6 When she blows harder between the sticks the sound is loud(er). When she uses shorter sticks the sound is high(er) (pitch). 2each correct sentence = 1 mark Ignore more Ignore more

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 6 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 7(a) D 1 7(b) E 1 7(c) any two from (idea of) breathing gets oxygen into the body / needs oxygen (to stay alive) / for respiration (idea of) removes waste / removes carbon dioxide 2each correct answer = 1 mark Accept gas exchange / inhaling / exhaling Accept breathe oxygen (in) = 2 marks inhale oxygen = 2 marks Question Answer Marks Further Information 8(a) friction push twist upthrust 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 8(b) 6 1Accept six Ignore units 8(c) newton(s) or N 1Do not accept n / newtonmeter

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 7 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 9(a) brain / eye(s) / ear(s) 1 9(b) correct link with part (a) (the brain) control (the body) / coordinate (the body) (the eye) is used for sight (the ear) is used for hearing 1 9(c) The skeleton protects, moves and support(s) the body. 1Ignore holds (up) / shapes / maintain / structures / strengthens 9(d) To move the skeleton there are muscle(s) attached to the bones. 1

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 8 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 10(a) (idea that) tea (leaves) have dissolved 1 10(b) (idea that) (tea) leaves are (too) big to go through the sieve / (tea) leaves cannot fit through the holes (dissolved) tea goes through / (brown) solution goes through 2each correct answer = 1 mark 10(c) filtration 1Accept decanting / filter(ing) / evaporation

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 9 of 12 Question Answer Marks Guidance 11(a) plants in the light plants in the dark straight(er) / not bent / grown upwards / upright growing in different directions / bent / lopsided / drooping / not upright strong(er) weak(er) large(r) leaves small(er) leaves dark(er) colour / green(er) light(er) colour / pale(r) / yellow(er) / white(r) / not green short(er) / small(er) long(er) / tall(er) / big(ger) thin(ner) stems thick(er) stems few(er) plants / few(er) seeds germinated more plants / more seeds germinated 2Answers must be comparative e.g. the plants in the dark grew taller / plants in light are short and plants in dark are long Do not accept incorrect comparisons e.g. plants in dark are shorter 11(b) (idea that it is) to collect enough results / to make it reliable 1Accept to get sufficient evidence / to get an average / to check the result (is correct) / in case some do not grow Do not accept fair test / to make it (more) accurate 11(c) for energy / to grow / to make food 1

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 10 of 12 Question Answer Marks Guidance 12(a) A (and) D they are (both) magnetic / steel is magnetic 2both correct = 1 mark Accept they have a high melting point / they have a high boiling point / are good conductors (of heat) 12(b) E 1 12(c) B 1 12(d) solid to liquid 1 Question Answer Marks Guidance 13 feature explanation long roots / many roots / spread (out) roots to reach water / to absorb nutrients thick (stem) / wide (stem) to store water / to contain water prickles / spines stop animals eating them / to protect them from animals green stem to absorb sunlight / for photosynthesis waxy (skin) / thick cuticle reduce water loss 4each correct feature = 1 mark each correct explanation = 1 mark Max 2 for features Max 2 for explanations Explanation and feature can be anywhere in the answer

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 11 of 12 Question Answer Marks Guidance 14(a) light will not get out (of the box) / light will not pass through (the material) / it will block the light 1 14(b) glass ice water wood 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks Question Answer Marks Guidance 15(a) 0 1 2 3 4 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 15(b) M 1 Accept M

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019 PUBLISHED Page 12 of 12 Question Answer Marks Guidance 16(a) g / gram(s) / kg / kilogram(s) 1Do not accept G / gr 16(b) idea of a fair test 1Do not accept to make it accurate / to make it reliable / to make it precise 16(c) so he can check the results / so results can be evaluated / to increase reliability 1Accept ‘measurement’ or ‘answer’ for results e.g. to make sure the measurements are correct Do not accept to make the results accurate / for a fair test 16(d) (yes) because as the temperature goes up so does the mass use of any correct data to support the trend e.g. at 10 °C, 27 (kg/g) dissolved and at 60 °C, 37 (kg/g) dissolved 2If answer is ‘no’ = 0 marks Accept as water gets hotter it dissolves more salt e.g. (yes) when the temperature of water was 10°C only 27 (kg/g) dissolved but when the temperature is 60°C the mass of dissolved salt increased = 2 marks 16(e) a pie chart a bar chart a line graph a labelled diagram 1More than one answer circled = 0 marks Accept any indication of the correct answer