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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge primary checkpoint past exam paper Science 0846/02/A/M/19 April/May 2019 mark schemes paper 2 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

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This document consists of 12 printed pages. IB19 05_0846_02/3RP © UCLES 2019 [Turn over Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge Primary Checkpoint SCIENCE 0846/02 Paper 2 April 2019 MARK SCHEME Maximum Mark: 50 Published This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

0846/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED © UCLES 2019 Page 2 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 1(a) group 1 group 2 (A) (D) (F) B E C 1all correct = 1 mark B and C can be in either order in group 2 1(b) wings 1Accept can fly Question Answer Marks Further Information 2 intensity opaque reflection shadow transparent 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks

0846/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED © UCLES 2019 Page 3 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 3     cause loss of species  plant forests protect habitats reduce waste stop people killing animals 1more than one answer ticked = 0 marks Question Answer Marks Further Information 4(a)  filter paper 1 4(b) evaporating basin / evaporating dish 1Accept ‘evaporation’ for ‘evaporating’ 4(c) any three from sand does not go through the filter paper / sand is insoluble / sand does not dissolve in water salt solution goes through the filter paper or funnel / salt solution collected (in the evaporating basin/dish) / salt is soluble (heat to) evaporate the water salt is left behind / salt crystals are formed 3 Accept sand is the residue / sand stays on the paper Accept salt solution is the filtrate Accept ‘salt water’ for ‘salt solution’

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 4 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 5(a)   1 12 24 48 365 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 5(b)  direction the Earth spins or rotates or turns or moves 1 Question Answer Marks Further Information 6 any two from insulator / keeps the drink hot non-toxic / non-poisonous low density / makes a light cup / lightweight can be molded into shape / malleable insoluble / does not dissolve waterproof / does not leak lasts for a long time / durable high melting point / does not melt easily does not react with the drink reused / recycled cheap to make 2

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 5 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 7(a) in the abdomen in the chest in the head in the legs in the stomach 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 7(b) I predict that animal C / 4.8 is the smallest. I predict this because it has the shortest intestine / the intestine is only 4.8 (m) . 1both answers correct = 1 mark Answer must be comparative Accept correct comparisons e.g. it has the smallest intestine / small compared to the others 7(c) 12345678910 cm 0 5012 mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 cm3 60 m 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 6 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 8(a) thermometer 1Accept temperature probe 8(b) the liquid can burn / catch fire 1 8(c) turns into a gas 1Accept turns into a vapour / it evaporates Do not accept turns into water vapour / condenses / turns into steam 8(d) C because it has a boiling point of 100( C) 1no marks for C on its own 8(e) B because it leaves behind a solid 1no marks for B on its own Question Answer Marks Further Information 9(a) wind (dispersal) 1 9(b) any two from (same) number of seeds amount she blows / strength of blow / idea that Lily does it both times length of tube / type of tube / size of funnel / same apparatus place where she does the investigation all the seeds start in the funnel 2each correct answer = 1 mark Accept (same) funnel / (same) tube / direction of funnel

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 7 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 10(a) kilogram force kilometre mass litre weight newton 2all three correct = 2 marks two correct = 1 mark one correct = 0 marks 10(b) forcemeter 1Accept newton meter / spring balance 10(c) (direction of) friction / frictional force / air resistance 1 Question Answer Marks Further Information 11 fertilisation A germination B growth pollination C seed dispersal 2all three correct = 2 marks two correct = 1 mark one correct = 0 marks

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 8 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 12(a)   a force of attraction a force of repulsion a negative force a posititve force there is no force   1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 12(b)  (idea that he) turns the magnet around / hold the magnet at the other end of the toy car 1Accept use the N pole of the magnet Question Answer Marks Further Information 13 chart key table graph results 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks Question Answer Marks Further Information 14(a) 1199 1201 1211 1219 1910 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 14(b) A C D E 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 14(c) (air particles) vibrate 1

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 9 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 15(a) pump blood (around the body) 1 15(b) bone(s) 1 15(c) lung(s) 1 Question Answer Marks Further Information 16 the lamp is on the wrong side of the switch the switch is open there is no cell the circuit is not complete    1more than one answer ticked = 0 marks

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 10 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 17(a) As the temperature increases the solubility of salt increases . 1Accept reverse argument e.g. As the temperature decreases the solubility of salt decreases. Accept alternative words for increases e.g. is more 17(b) As the temperature increases the solubility of oxygen decreases . 1Accept reverse argument e.g. As the temperature decreases the solubility of oxygen increases. Accept alternative words for increases e.g. rises Accept alternative words for decreases e.g. is less

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 11 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 18(a) sound (level) meter / decibel meter 1 18(b) to make sure the results are correct / to check the results / to make the results reliable 1Accept the words ‘measurement’ and ‘answer’ for ‘result’ make sure the measurements are correct Do not accept to make it a fair test / to make the results accurate 18(c) any two from all the readings are in the 60s / all the readings are in 60-70 range 68 is the highest or loudest / 61 is the lowest or quietist or softest 68 is different to the others / 68 may be wrong the mean is 62.8 2 Accept most are 61 or 62 / two of the results are 62 / two of the results are 61 / two of the numbers are repeated / the range is 7

0846/02 Checkpoint Primary Science – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 12 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 19(a) 6Pf1 K the mass is 0.45 cm 2 the mass is 0.45 kg the mass is 0.45 m the mass is 4.5 N the mass is 4.5 s  1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 19(b) 6Pf1 K the weight is 0.45 cm 2 the weight is 0.45 kg the weight is 0.45 m the weight is 4.5 N the weight is 4.5 s 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks Question Answer Marks Further Information 20 solute a mixture of a dissolved solid and a liquid solution the liquid that dissolves a solid solvent the solid that dissolves in a liquid. 2all three correct = 2 marks two correct = 1 mark one correct = 0 marks