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Description: Download file or read online CAIE Cambridge primary checkpoint past exam paper Science 0846/01/A/M/19 April/May 2019 mark schemes paper 1 - Cambridge Assessment International Education.

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This document consists of 12 printed pages. IB19 05_0846_01/3RP © UCLES 2019 [Turn over Cambridge Assessment International Education Cambridge Primary Checkpoint SCIENCE 0846/01 Paper 1 April 2019 MARK SCHEME Maximum Mark: 50 Published This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 2 of 12 Annotations and abbreviations / OR alternate responses for the same marking point ( ) the words or units in brackets do not need to be stated Accept an acceptable response Do not accept indicates an incorrect response that would contradict another otherwise correct alternative Ignore indicates an irrelevant answer that is not creditworthy, however, full marks can still be achieved even with the answers that are ignored ecf error carried forward, marks are awarded if an incorrect response has been carried forward from earlier working, provided the subsequent working is correct ora or reverse argument note provides extra information when necessary

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 3 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 3 any two from smooth clothes / tight clothes / streamline / aerodynamic hand/arm behind back low down / crouch down / bend the knees idea of one skater behind the other 2each correct answer = 1 mark Question Answer Marks Further Information 1 I hear with my ear(s) . I see with my eye(s) . I smell with my nose . I taste with my tongue / taste buds . 1all correct = 1 mark Question Answer Marks Further Information 2(a)  water can be cooled to make ice / water can be frozen (again) 1answers must have the idea of freezing or cooling 2(b) The melting point of ice is 0 (C). The boiling point of water is 100 (C). 2each correct answer = 1 mark

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 4 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 4(a) brain intestines liver lung stomach 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 4(b) brain intestines liver lung stomach 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 4(c) A B C D 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks Question Answer Marks Guidance 5 any two from tuning fork moves / tuning fork vibrates (this makes) the water move / (this makes) the water vibrate / (this makes) waves in the water sound travels through/in water 2 Question Answer Marks Further Information 6 any two from needs to be flexible / (idea that) bones would stop it bending / easier to move the trunk (idea of) so it can drink water / suck water / pick up food / so it can take food / get food / pick up logs idea of no organs inside trunk to protect 2

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 5 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 7(a) 7 (kg) 1 7(b) bar for D drawn for 5 kg 1Accept + or – ½ small square tolerance 7(c) any one from idea of best recycling campaign idea of most recycling facilities / different types of bins use more recyclable materials 1 Accept know about the importance of recycling / children or school care more about recycling Question Answer Marks Further Information 8(a)   the temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid 2each correct answer = 1 mark 8(b)   A B C D E F 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 6 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 9(a)   A and B A and C B and D C and D 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks 9(b) correct temperature / heat / warm(th) 1Accept oxygen Question Answer Marks Guidance 10(a) A shadow is made because Blessy’s head block(s) / stop(s) / obstructs the light. Blessy’s head makes a shadow because it is made of opaque material. 2each correct answer = 1 mark 10(b) increases / gets bigger 1 Question Answer Marks Further Information 11(a) heating / boiling 1Accept evaporation 11(b) cooling / condensing / condensation 1 11(c) salt or other substances dissolve in water / because the salt is in the solution 1Accept salt is soluble / still bacteria in the water

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 7 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 12(a) any one from arrow between impala and grass circled arrow between impala and grass circled and impala circled impala circled grass and arrow and impala circled grass and arrow between impala and grass circled 1If other organisms circled = 0 marks just grass circled = 0 12(b) it uses energy from the Sun 1Accept it makes its own food / produces food / can photosynthesise 12(c) it hunts/chases its food 1

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 8 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 13(a) any two from Sun in different positions at different times (of the day) Sun moves from East to West / Sun moves from right to left Sun is highest at midday Sun rises in the morning / the Sun rises in the East Sun sets or Sun goes down in the evening / the Sun sets or Sun goes down in the West the Earth is rotating or spinning or turning or revolves (on its axis) 2 13(b) the Earth rotates / the Earth spins / the Earth turns / the Earth revolves (on its axis) 1

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 9 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 14(a) carbon dioxide 1more than one substance = 0 marks Accept CO 2 14(b) any two from non-toxic / non-poisonous low density / makes a light container / lightweight malleable / can be made into correct shape insoluble / doesn’t dissolve waterproof strong / unbreakable / not brittle / durable / hard high melting point / does not melt easily unreactive opaque / sunlight cannot get in recyclable 2

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 10 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 15(a) (investigation number) 4 idea that number of books is lower / lower than the average 1both correct = 1 mark 15(b) any one from idea that books are different sizes idea that egg shells are not the same / she uses different egg shells each time 1 Accept books are different masses / books are different weight Question Answer Marks Further Information 16(a)   1 Accept 16(b)  lights up 1Accept any idea of the lamp working e.g. it will turn on 16(c)   paper plastic rubber silver wood 1more than one answer circled = 0 marks

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 11 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 17(a) temperature in oC volume of water in beaker at start in cm 3 volume of water after 24 hours in cm 3 volume of water evaporated in cm 3 30 50 45 5 40 50 40 10 50 50 30 20 60 50 10 40 70 50 0 50 1all volumes correct = 1 mark 17(b) yes and some use of the data from the table to show less water in the beaker 1yes on its own or no = 0 marks Ignore general trends which do include data e.g. as it gets hotter the volume gets less Question Answer Marks Further Information 18(a) smaller / less height / no flowers / stems bend down / wilted / fewer stems 1 assume answer is about plant B unless stated e.g. plant A has flowers = 1 mark note answer must have comparison 18(b) take in light / take in energy 1 Accept photosynthesis / to make food / give the plant food / gas exchange

0846/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2019 PUBLISHED Page 12 of 12 Question Answer Marks Further Information 19(a) (causes) littering / disease / water pollution / destroy habitats / takes up space / attracts rats or insects 1Accept descriptions of water pollution / harm marine life / washed into the sea / kills animals that eat it 19(b) (some) metals are magnetic / (some) metals are attracted to a magnet / iron is attracted to a magnet / steel is attracted to a magnet / some of the rubbish is magnetic 1Do not accept all metals are magnetic / all metals are attracted to a magnet / magnets will pull all metals Do not accept named non-magnetic metal attracted to magnet e.g. it attracts the aluminum 19(c) air pollution / may kill animals / may kill plants 1Accept higher level answers e.g. acid rain and (increased) greenhouse effect / global warming Question Answer Marks Further Information 20(a) chalk and gasoline 1both substances in either order = 1 mark any other substances = 0 marks 20(b) gasoline floating on top of the water 1Accept water floating on gasoline / two liquids / two layers